Chollerton Parish Council | MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD ON 24TH NOVEMBER 2021
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Minutes of the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on Wednesday 24th November 2021 at 7.30pm in Barrasford Village Hall


Present:        Cllr Edward Heslop in the Chair


County Cllr Nick Morphet


Cllr Andy Bennett

Cllr Malcolm Johnson

Cllr Bruce Lowdon

Cllr Michael Smith (part of the meeting)


Ms Jayne Longlands in attendance


The following members of the public attended during the discussion of items relating to Swinburne Quarry, The Potts and/or the Platinum Jubilee; Jen Dover, Elizabeth Atkinson, Roger Parbery, Tracy Read, Norman Trainer, Di Ellison, Shirly Hayman, Maurice Hayman and Gillian Gregory.


Mr Cunningham, Mr Marsden and Mrs Margaret Rogerson from Swinburne Quarry (Hanson) were present for Item 2.


The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting.


  1. Apologies for Absence.


Received from; Cllr Dorothy Pigg, Cllr Fiona Charlton and Cllr Maggie Tarbit.


          Chairman’s Announcement


Ms Louise Coulson had been invited to join the meeting, however unfortunately she was unwell and therefore unable to attend. It was AGREED that Louise would be asked to attend the following meeting in January 2022.


  1. Opportunity for Matters Raised by Members of the Public before the meeting to be discussed

Questions which require a substantive answer at the meeting need to have been submitted to the Parish Clerk in writing 5 days before the meeting


County Councillor Morphet had requested to use this section of the meeting to accommodate the issue raised below.


Cllr Morphet introduced Mr Cunningham, Mr Marsden and Mrs Rogerson from Swinburne Quarry who were present to speak to members of the public, to listen to concerns and answer their questions.


Noise levels had been the main topic of concern, with Northumberland County Council to investigate this further. Planned expansions to the East of the Quarry were also noted.


Discussions ensued as follows:-


  1. Planning permission had been granted back in 2002, which had been submitted under the Environment Act. Mr Marsden noted that external conditions had not changed since this date.
  2. Local residents noted that 20 years ago, the jaw pressure on the machine was less severe, whereas in the present day this noisy machinery carried on relentlessly, often starting very early in the morning.
  3. Noise measures were assessed by an external body; the quarry noted that a 50-decibel maximum limit was currently in place (with a rate of 45.8 had been measured by the quarry themselves).
  4. The quarry do as much crushing as they can at the Keepershield site.
  5. Also, the quarry does not operate for extensive hours; however, it was noted by the public that crushing noises were occurring as early as 6am in the morning.
  6. The quarry were happy to carry out some extended monitoring and noise measurements over a period of time; they agreed to conduct tests in the locals’ gardens (as when the wind was blowing in certain directions then it was considered to be extremely noisy). The quarry were happy to be proactive as well as reactive, i.e. capture noises on the noted ‘noisy’ days.
  7. The crusher had been moved to a lower location within the quarry which made it quieter than it was before.
  8. The quarry’s results of the noise measurements and associated report would be shared with members of the public.
  9. Members of the public were invited to watch the operations taking place within the quarry and it was duly agreed that this meeting would be arranged.
  10. If the noise measurements taken by the quarry were higher than expected, the quarry were happy to look for solutions to remedy this.
  11. The quarry did not have any plans to extend beyond the current proposals at present.
  12. The waste water that runs off the quarry was treated in a certain way, as noted by Mr Cunningham. The Environment Agency were also involved in ensuring that levels were maintained within legal limits.
  13. Any extension of quarry operations beyond the year 2036 would be considered nearer the time, and members of the public would be involved in any consultations should this be the case.
  14. Public consultations going forward would be encouraged with good communications and engagement promoted.
  15. There were no plans to change the entrance to the quarry at the present time.


It was noted that Mr Cunningham would be available for public consultation and his contact information would be forwarded to Cllr Morphet.


The Parish Council thanked Hanson representatives for attending the meeting; those attended thanked the Parish Council for giving them the opportunity to attend and express their views.


Cllr Smith left the meeting.


  1. Declaration of Interest from Members

          To receive disclosures of personal and/or prejudicial interest from Members on matters to be considered at the meeting


There were no declarations of interest from members.


  1. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.


Under Item 8(f) on page 7 within the Finance section, it was noted that it was Sandra Medlicott from Phoebus Solutions who deals with PAYE (rather than Fiona Pybus).


Subject to the noted change, the minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Wednesday 22nd September 2021 were approved as a true and correct record.


4a.    Matters Arising from the above minutes not addressed elsewhere on the agenda.


  1. RBLI Silhouette


The RBLI Silhouette had been erected by the Monday Men at Barrasford Bus Stop; they were thanked for doing this.


The Chairman raised the question as to where the RBLI silhouette should be placed, i.e. should it be located at a different place, or on rotation.  It was AGREED that the Clerk would raise the question to members of the public via a note in the Hexham Courant.


Positive feedback had been received from members of the public with regards to the silhouette located at Barrasford Bus Stop.


4b.    To agree on the procedure for distribution of Parish Council Minutes of Meetings


It was AGREED that the minutes would be approved by the Chairman and Council prior to being placed on the website (with a note on the website noting that they were to be ratified at the following meeting).


4c.    External emails forwarded by the Clerk

Please note that emails received from external stakeholders are being distributed for information.  It is proposed that if anyone wishes to raise any points then they should contact the Clerk


There were no external emails to note.


  1. County Councillor Report.


Humshaugh Ward County Councillor Nick Morphet reported as follows:


Potholes at railway bridge at Gunnerton; this section of road had not been selected for resurfacing.


Traffic calming in Gunnerton; it was noted that none of the proposed measures had been put in place. Following discussions with Neil Snowden, the latest was that consultation was still ongoing with the landowner and Cllr Morphet would follow this up. Cllr Lowdon would be able to provide support and advice with relation to this.


Slow drain in Gunnerton; this had now been sorted. Cllr Lowdon noted that the cundy running down the field was blocked, with the gully down the road running into this; backup plans were in place.


School Patrol Flashing Signs at Barrasford; it was noted that solar charging units were awaited.


Drainage north of Barrasford shop; Cllr Morphet would update the Council by email once a response had been received.


C216 Chollerton to Wark Bridge; surface dressing was on the list to take place. Cllr Morphet would keep pressuring the Council with regards to this.


Chollerton Parish Council items were to be added to NCC’s local safety schemes list (viaduct and crash barrier); Cllr Morphet agreed to ensure that this happened.


It was noted that the addition of reflector posts on the A68 on Beukley Bank (at the entrance to Errington Red House) would be beneficial as many Chollerton residents travel this route. Cllr Morphet would speak to Neil Snowden regarding this item.


Species Rich Grassland Trial; NCC were to agree with this proposal at Barrasford.  Cllr Morphet would speak to the Monday Men and the Quarry with regards to this.  The Headteacher at the First School was keen for children to get involved in the project.


Lights at Barrasford Quarry; one resident claimed they were too bright. Cllr Morphet explained that a test would be conducted by NCC at that residents’ home and, if necessary, baffles could be affixed to these lights. Cllr Morphet would update on the results in due course.


Dan Harvey (Mobile Library Service); Cllr Morphet had spoken to Dan’s boss at NCC, a meeting had then ensued with positive results following on from this.


Japanese Knotweed; Cllr Morphet had further liaised with Mr Robson with regards to this issue.


Bike Trail in Humshaugh Region; Cllr Morphet would be consulting with the public with regards to a pump track.


Flood Plans; It was AGREED that a representative would attend the next meeting for 10-15 minutes to discuss this.


Community Climate Champions Meeting in Sept 2021; 15 community champion groups were working on climate change action plans. Hannah Davison, had been appointed at NCC, she was young and enthusiastic and would be keen to work with the Parish Council if they were keen to develop a plan.


  1. Items for Discussion


          To discuss issues which have arisen or are causing concern within the Parish of Chollerton


  • Update on The Potts at Barrasford


A planning application had recently been received for the development of 14 houses at The Potts in Barrasford with a response deadline of 7th December 2021.


Two of the houses had been earmarked for affordable housing; Cllr Bennett suggested that a Section 106 be written to ensure that affordable housing was included as part of this development.


Cllr Johnson expressed his concerns over drainage at the site.


Elizabeth Atkinson expressed her concerns over the proposed new development; once the houses flooded there would be a knock-on effect on insurance premiums for others with the same postcode, also some houses may be purchased for Air B&B rather than local people.


With relation to the speed of cars going through the village; it was AGREED that this be made a note of, with Cllr Morphet to also pursue this issue.


It was noted that houses with sustainability were required, Elizabeth Atkinson raised the question as to when this would be given further serious consideration.


A local resident who is also an Architect raised serious concerns with regards to drainage and affordable houses. He considered ground source heat pumps to be very efficient and felt that such measures should be applied to a domestic situation such as this.


It was noted that the NCC Local Plan was currently with the Planning Inspector.


It was AGREED that an email would be collated with responses three days prior to the 7th December 2021 date.


  • Jubilee Tree Planting


  1. Gunnerton for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee


Jen Dover noted that the wild cherry tree would replace one of the trees which had died. It was AGREED that the Clerk would forward this information to Chipchase Estates via Galbraith.


  1. Barrasford and Colwell


Barrasford and Colwell have received Jubilee Commemorative trees.


  • Commemorative Mugs


Jen Dover was present with relation to this item; she said that commemorative mugs would cost £5.55 each. We would need to decide on age groups for receiving the bone china Queen’s Jubilee mugs and it was AGREED that we would look into this further.  Financial assistance would be considered once a formal request was received from the WI.


The WI would be doing a tea which would be open to all and it was hoped the Parish Council would help fund this. A photographic competition had been suggested, as had the involvement of school children to design a card for reproduction in commemoration of the Jubilee. A best decorated garden competition had been proposed, and a beacon considered with the top of Swinburne Quarry suggested for a suitable location.  A  party in the Gunnerton Playing Field had also been suggested.


Cllr Morphet recommended looking at the Pageant Masters brochure online; to help set out a schedule for the night of the Jubilee.


  • Memorial Wreath


The Chair had laid down the Parish Council wreath; it was noted that an invoice would follow from Judith Weir at Wark.


  • Grit Bins


Cllr Lowdon noted the prices of two grit bins for Gunnerton as advertised on Amazon (£125 each).


It was AGREED that:-


  • The Clerk would order grit bins from Amazon, for delivery directly to Cllr Lowdon. Cllr Morphet would send an email to the appropriate person at NCC regarding the filling of these receptacles.


  1. Correspondence


          To note items received and sent out and consider their contents, as necessary


(a)       Chollerton Parish Children’s Xmas Party


It was noted that £200 had been given to help fund Chollerton Parish Christmas Party.


(b)       Planning Training Opportunity


It was agreed that opportunities for planning training would be kept in mind.


(c)       Letter from Journey in Acomb and request to add information to website


Cllr Bennet suggested that a ‘links’ page be set up on the website; it was AGREED he would provide assistance to the Clerk in setting the page up and showing how to add stakeholder links.


(d)       Defibrillator email from Defib4life


This email provided information relating to defibrillator costings.


(e)       Carers Northumberland


A training session would be taking place the following day at Cramlington, all Councillors had previously received this email correspondence informing them of this opportunity.


  • The Potts email from Neil Armstrong


This item had previously been discussed at the meeting.


(g)       Planning Inspectorate letter


We had received a letter regarding the old drovers road near Barrasford Park and Swinburne (the ‘BOAT’ road); we had until 16th December 2021 to respond.  It was AGREED that Cllr Morphet would investigate this further and report back to the Council.


(h)       Chipchase Woodland Creation


A response from Galbraith was awaited, following a request by the Clerk for further information.


(i)         Tynedale Hospice at Home


It was AGREED that Tynedale Hospice at Home be given a £200 donation to help with their scheme.


  1. Financial Matters


  • Bank reconciliation as at 29th October 2021: £14,857.15


This figure was noted.


  • Women at War Statue: £200 cheque payment to the Clerk on 23rd October 2021


It was AGREED that the Clerk would be reimbursed for the purchase of the Women at War statue (she had previously been issued with a cheque which, unfortunately, the bank had rejected. A replacement cheque would be issued).


  • Chollerton Parish Children’s Xmas Party: £200 cheque payment on 23rd October 2021


It was AGREED that £200 would be donated to the Chollerton Parish Xmas Party Fund.


  • Grit Bins Payment: £250 cheque payment 24th November 2021


It was AGREED that the Clerk would order the grit bins and a cheque for £250 would be given to the Clerk to cover these costs.


  • Precept Payment 2022/23: discuss the annual £8k amount


It was AGREED that a £8,000 Precept be requested, with the Clerk to submit an application to NCC for this amount.


  1. Planning Applications


(a)     Planning Consultation 21/04135/FUL Land South and East of Fell House Farm Colwell


The Parish Council responded to NCC on 6th November 2021 stating there were no objections, subject to highways agreeing the new entrance would be suitable for all deliveries during construction


(b)     Planning Consultation 21/04234/FUL 14 Chishillways, Barrasford


The Parish Council responded to NCC on 6th November 2021 stating there were no objections.


(c)     Planning Consultation 19/04358/FUL Land South West Of Chollerton First School Station Road Barrasford


The deadline for observations to NCC was 7th December 2021.


(d)     Planning Consultation 21/03414/FUL Fishing Lodge Colwell Hexham Northumberland NE46 4TP (retrospective)


The deadline for observations to NCC was 9th December 2021.


  1. Information Items

To note information items received and passed to Parish Councillors via email.




  1. Any Other Business

         Business taken under this agenda item is for discussion only.


(a)     B4RN Broadband


The scheme was progressing within the Parish.


  • Christmas Meal at The Barrasford Arms


It was suggested that, due to current circumstances with Covid etc., that we put this on the back boiler at present.


  1. Date and Venue for Next Meeting


Wednesday 26th January 2022 at 7.30pm, Barrasford Village Hall


The following meetings would take place as follows:-


  • March 23rd at Barrasford Village Hall
  • May 25th at Barrasford Village Hall
  • July 27th at Colwell Village Hall
  • Sept 28th at Gunnerton Church
  • Nov 23rd at Barrasford Park


There being no further business, the meeting closed at 9.50pm.