26 May Draft Minutes of Chollerton Parish Council Meeting 19th May 2021
Draft Minutes of Chollerton Parish Council Meeting held on 19th May 2021 7.30 p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall.
Present:Cllr Edward Heslop(Chair); Cllr Dorothy Pigg(Vice-Chair): Cllr Maggie Tarbit: Cllr Bruce Lowdon: Cllr Fiona Charlton: Cllr Philip Eggleston: Cllr Malcolm Johnson: Cllr Andrew Bennett: County Councillor Nick Morphet and Liz Atkinson( Clerk).
The Chair welcomed everyone.
2021/05/01. Apologies for absence. None.
2021/05/02.Election of Chairman.
Cllr Lowdon proposed Cllr Heslop and this was seconded by Cllr Charlton.
Cllr Heslop accepted but felt that others must consider this position for the
Cllr Edward Heslop, Cllr Dorothy Pigg, Cllr MaggieTarbit, Cllr Malcolm
Johnson, Cllr Fiona Charlton, Cllr Bruce Lowdon, Cllr Andrew Bennett,
and Cllr Philip Eggleston.
Declaration of Acceptance and Declaration of Interest forms would be completed at the end of the meeting.
2021/05/04. Election of Vice-Chair.
Cllr Heslop proposed Cllr Pigg and this was seconded by Cllr Eggleston.
Cllr. Pigg accepted.
2021/05/05.Opportunities for Members of the Public to Raise Matters.
2021/05/06.Declaration of Interest from the Members.
2021/05/07. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
These were from the meeting of the 24th March 2021 held via Zoom.
All agreed these were an accurate and true record. The Chair signed
and dated them.
2021/05/08.Matters Arising.
The Gunnerton Defibrillator was discussed. It was to be recorded within the
Minutes that Charles McGowan had offered to allow the Defibrillator to be
fastened to the outside wall of his property and he would provide the
electricity. The Meeting wished to thank Mr McGowan.
Cllr Pigg proposed and Cllr Heslop seconded, the funding of this would be by
the Parish Council.
The Clerk would contact LondonHearts and obtain the full cost before ordering.
The Chair gave a quick resume of East Acres extra parking request and the
uneven paving stones, also at East Acres for the new members present. This is
an ongoing issue due to those who own the land either denying ownership or
not wishing to take responsibility.
The Clerk would contact NCC again re: the overhanging branches on the road
leaving Colwell towards the A68.
The Clerk was asked to contact DVLA regarding the vehicles at Colwell.
2021/05/09. County Councillor Report.
County Councillor Morphet would give the Chair his official contact details.
He was looking forward to holding local surgeries.
He was very interested in promoting cycling and walking and climate
He would know more about his position after the AGM on the 26th May.
C.Cllr Morphet was interested to know the reason why the Parish Council
had not supported Mr Brockhouse’s proposed new footpath. Cllr.Pigg reported
a good proportion of the proposal was on private land and some of the land was
not within the Parish Boundary. The Parish Council had no jurisdiction on the use
of the Viaduct but it was known to be in a poor condition for walking
over. The Chair declared an interest on this item and took no part in the
2021/05/10. Items for Discussion.
The Chair did ask C. Cllr Morphet to make a note- the Parish Council has
continually put the extension of the barrier at the viaduct on the LTP. Not only
is this dangerous in icy conditions, as has been proven by cars going into the
burn but it could cause pollution issues.
The signage at Barrasford for flashing lights were approved in the scheme but
not as yet installed.
C.Cllr Morphet agreed to look into this.
C.Cllr Morphet would also look into the 30mph signs for Gunnerton. Cllr Lowdon
felt strongly the positioning of the signage should be reconsidered before they
were erected.
- Cllr Morphet agreed to contact Highways on the blocked drain above West
Crescent Gunnerton and the potholes on the road beside the kennels at
i.The Chair informed the meeting of the need for new recruits for the Barrasford
Playground Committee. The present members wished to stand down and hoped
members of the Parish who had young children using it would step forward.
This Committee was in a position to access grants which the Parish Council
could not. Steven Campbell was the Chairman if anyone was interested.
The Chair felt possibly the Parish Council should have a representative on this
if anyone was interested.
ii.The Parish now had a group of volunteers known as the Monday Men who
regularly maintained paths and who had done a brilliant job by gritting and
clearing the paths of snow during the winter.
Cllr Pigg reported the equipment they had was adequate and it was agreed to put
“gritting” on the agenda for September.
The Clerk was asked to look into the purchasing of more grit bins, especially for
2021/05/11 Financial Matters.
- Annual Governance Review 2020/21 signed and dated by Chair and Clerk.
- Statement of Accounts 2020/21 signed and dated by The Chair and Clerk
- Internal Audit 2020-21. No outstanding issues.
Mr Parbery would be thanked for his work once again and asked if he would continue for another year.
- Bank Account Signatories.
To remain the same.
Cllr Heslop, Cllr Pigg, Cllr Tarbit and Cllr Charlton.
- Certificate of exemption Approved. Signed and dated by The Chair and Clerk.
The Clerk would scan this and return to the External Auditor.
Notice of Public Rights and Publication of Annual Governance and Accountability would be done after this meeting.
Return for 31st March 2021 would be posted on notice boards and website.
- Bank reconciliation=£16546.68
VAT refund had been submitted of £490.46 but had not shown as received on the bank statement as yet.
Invoices to be Paid:-
- Clerk’s wages +Office running costs £672.00 chq 100707
- LimeDesign for Hosting of website £144.00 chq 100708
- The Clerk would contact Came & Co to see if she could get a reduction in the Insurance cost otherwise the meeting agreed to go with their quote of £719.60.
(It was agreed to discuss the Insurance again in March)
2021/05/12. Correspondence.
Chollerton Parochial Church Council have asked for a donation toward the
maintenance cost for the Churchyard.
It was agreed by all to increase the donation to £1200. chq 100709
The Parish Council had also been asked if the path from Chollerton Church
up toward Chollerton Farm, could be weeded.
Cllr Pigg volunteered to ask the Monday Men if they could put this on their
The Clerk would contact David Hunt from Northumberland County Council on the
clearing of culverts and gullies.
The Clerk would also ask for the grass verge to be cut back at Brunton crossroads
Visibility was severely hindered looking down toward Chollerford by anyone in a
car rather than a 4×4 or van.
- There were no planning applications to consider.
- Cllr Charlton agreed to be Lead Member for Planning for June/July.
2021/05/14. Information Items.None.
2021/05/15. Any Other Business.
Cllr Lowdon was concerned about the cherry tree at West Crescent
Gunnerton. It was growing very close to both electric and phone lines.
Cllr Lowdon would contact both companies affected to let them know.
The Chair would find a Parish map for Cllr Bennett and the Clerk gave her
Parish Plan to him, published in 2010, in order to acquaint himself with the Parish.
Cllr Pigg reminded the meeting that concerns and complaints could be made
by individuals via the County Council website.
The Chair felt there had been a great strain placed on members of the Clergy
during Covid. All agreed it would be appropriate to send a letter of appreciation.
to Rev. Sarah Lunn. Her workload had increased not only with Covid but with the
sad death of the Vicar of Humshaugh. The Clerk and Chair would draft a letter.
2021/05/16. Date and Venue for Next Meeting.
28th July 2021 at 7.30 p.m. in Colwell Village Hall.
This brought the meeting to a close at 9.15 p.m.