Chollerton Parish Council | Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council 19th May
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Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council 19th May

Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council 19th May


The Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council will be held on Wednesday 19th May 2021

following the Annual Meeting of Chollerton Parish

which commences at 7.30pm at Barrasford Village Hall

Elizabeth Atkinson

Clerk to the Parish Council




  1. Apologies for Absence


  1. Election of Chairman


  1. Membership

To note the membership of Chollerton Parish Council. Forms to complete.

  1. Election of Vice Chairman


  1. Opportunity for Matters Raised by Members of the Public before the meeting to be discussed.

All matters are required to have been submitted to the Parish Clerk in writing/email, 5 days before the meeting)


  1. Declarations of Interest from Members

To receive disclosures of personal and/or prejudicial interest from Members on matters to be considered at the meeting.


  1. Minutes of the Previous Meetings

To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on the 24th March 2021.


  1. Matters Arising from the above minutes not addressed elsewhere on the agenda


  1. County Councillor Report

Update from County Councillor for Humshaugh Ward


  1. Items for Discussion

To discuss issues which have arisen or are causing concern within the Parish of Chollerton.

i.Barrasford playground

iiWinter gritting provision


  1. Financial Matters
    1. Annual Governance Review 2020/2021
    2. Statement of Accounts 2020/2021
    3. Internal Audit

To confirm the appointment of the Internal Auditor for the forthcoming year.

  1. Bank Account Signatories

To confirm a minimum of four signatories for the Parish Council’s bank account.

        e.Certificate of Exemption

  1. Bank balance: to follow

VAT refund submitted £490.46 but as yet not received.



Accounts to be authorised and paid

  1. Parish Clerk Salary –
  2. Came & Co
  • Limedesign website


  1. Correspondence

To note items received and sent out and consider their contents as necessary


  1. Planning
  • Applications for consideration:
  • Lead Member for Planning for June/July 2021


  1. Information Items

To note information items received and events attended since the last meeting.


  1. Any Other Business

Business taken under this agenda item is for discussion only.


  1. Date and Venue for Next Meeting

Parish Council meetings are usually held on the fourth Wednesday in the month



Chollerton Parish Council

Cllr Edward Heslop (Chair); Cllr Dorothy Pigg (Vice Chair); Cllr Mrs Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Malcolm Johnson; Cllr Bruce Lowdon; Cllr Mrs Fiona Charlton; Cllr Philip Eggleston and Cllr.Andrew Bennett


Parish Clerk:  Elizabeth Atkinson   2 Warkworth Cottages, Barrasford, Hexham, NE48 4AA            

                      e-mail:-theclerk.chollerton@gmail.c0.ukTel: 07765 388918