31 Mar Draft Minutes of the Parish Council held via Zoom on 24th March 2021
Draft Minutes of Chollerton Parish Council’s Zoom Meeting held on 24th March 2021 at 7.30 p.m.
Present: –Cllr. Edward Heslop (Chair); Cllr. Dorothy Pigg (Vice Chair); Cllr. Maggie Tarbit; Cllr. Philip Eggleston; Cllr. Bruce Lowdon: Cllr. Malcolm Johnson; County Councillor Rupert Gibson and Clerk Liz Atkinson.
The Chair welcomed all who were able to attend.
2021/03/01.Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Cllr Charlton.
2021/03/02.Opportunity for Matters sent to the Clerk from Members of the Public before the meeting to be discussed.
An email had been received from Mr Brockhouse, which was circulated to all Parish Councillors before the meeting.
It outlined a proposal for a new footpath.
It was agreed by the members that the identified areas were privately owned, and the viaduct was too dangerous for anyone to use. Some of the route was not within the Parish Boundary.
The Clerk would contact Mr Brockhouse with the Parish Councils’ concerns.
2021/03/03.Declaration of Interest.
Cllr.Heslop declared an Interest in the footpath.
Cllr.Pigg declared an interest in 8. Financial Matters re: – Lycetts.
2021/03/04a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
The Minutes of the previous meeting held via Zoom on 27th January 2021 were approved by all as a true and accurate record. They were signed and dated by The Chair.
2021/03/04b.Matters Arising.
1.Cllr Lowdon and The Clerk had worked on obtaining prices, funding, and permission for the proposed Defibrillator at Gunnerton.
Cllr Lowdon would contact Rev. Sarah Lunn directly as there now seemed to be some concern about attaching the defibrillator to the Church. If this were so, alternatives would need to be sought with an electricity supply.
The Clerk had obtained prices from Turtle Engineering and The Stephen Carey Fund. The price for the unit and case was approx. £1600-£2000 but this did not include any training.
Green Rigg funding was still a possibility and The Chair would enquire how long this was open.
2.The Clerk had contacted Northumberland Estates re: the trees in Barrasford Playground.
All trees within the playground were their responsibility as agreed back in 1947.
2021/03/05.County Councillors Report.
County Cllr. Gibson informed the meeting that Karbon Homes owned the grass at East Acres.
He was unable to give any update on the signage at Barrasford nor the signage at Gunnerton. They were all paid for but still had not been completed.
Cllr Lowdon still felt the signage at Gunnerton should be extended at either end of the village to slow motorists down but County Cllr. Gibson said this would not be possible.
C.Cllr Gibson had been given 4 paper towel dispensers from Kimberley Clark and offered them to anyone who could use one. Cllr.Heslop asked for one for Colwell Village Hall.
2021/03/06.Items for Discussion.
Parish Councillors had received their Election Papers for local elections on May 6th.
Everyone agreed to have the completed papers back to the Clerk before 31st March as she had an app. The Queens Hall to have them checked.
2021/03/08.Financial Matters.
- Bank reconciliation= £14616.68
- Unpresented cheques -Dickinson’s-£2040.00-grass cutting.
Northl Estates-£30.00-rent for Barrasford Playground.
- It was agreed to pay ½ insurance for Barrasford Playground=£255.70 chq 100706
2021/03/09.Planning Applications.
2021/03/10.Information Items.
The Chair had been informed from Barrasford Quarry that Chris Snowball had moved on and Dan Carr was now in his place.
He had spoken to him already and explained the working relationship between the Quarry and Parish Council. Hopefully, it would not be too long before they could meet up.
2021/03/11. Any Other Business.
- The Chair asked the Clerk to inform NCC of the overhanging branches on the road leaving Colwell village onto the A68.
- Colwell residents have asked that the Parish Council address their concerns once again about the number of vehicles at the bottom of the village. There were approx. 14 vehicles some of which had flat tyres.
The resident had an operator’s licence for 1 vehicle and this vehicle must be able to turn within that area without going onto the highway which with the number of vehicles parked up was impossible.
The Clerk will draft a letter, possibly for the Landlord, DVLA, NCC and police.
2021/03/12. Date and Venue for Next Meeting.
The date of the next meeting would be 25th May 2021 unless (due to elections) it needed to be brought forward.
This brought the meeting to a close at 8.28p.m.