Chollerton Parish Council | Draft Minutes of the Zoom meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 27th January 2021
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Draft Minutes of the Zoom meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 27th January 2021

Draft Minutes of the Zoom meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 27th January 2021




Draft Minutes of Chollerton Parish Council’s Zoom Meeting held on 27th January 2021 at 7.30. p.m.


Present: Cllr. Edward Heslop (Chair); Cllr. Dorothy Pigg (Vice Chair); Cllr. Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Philip Eggleston; Cllr. Fiona Charlton; Cllr. Bruce Lowdon;County Councillor Rupert Gibson and Clerk Liz Atkinson.

The Chair welcomed all who were able to attend.

2021/01/01.Apologies for absence: Apologies were received from Cllr. Malcolm Johnson.


2021/01/02.Opportunity for Matters sent to The Clerk from Members of the Public before the meeting to be discussed.

There were none.

The Chair mentioned the recent passing of Jim and Noreen Bullock.

They contributed in many ways to the parish with Jim serving on both the Parish Council and as governor and long time Chairman of Chollerton School. The P.C. acknowledged this by way of a “Parish Heroes Award” recently


2021/01/03.Declaration of Interest from Members.



2021/01/04a.Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held via Zoom on 25th November 2020 were approved by all as a true and accurate record. They were signed and dated by The Chair.


2021/01/04b.Matters arising.

1.A letter had been received from NCC granting permission for tree surgery to be carried out on trees at The Manor Barrasford.

  1. 2. The Clerk had contacted Karbon Homes re: the green at Barrasford being considered for extra parking.

Susan Welford from Karbon Homes had replied and informed the PC that this would have to be considered at the next funding meeting. This would possibly take place Sept/Oct.

The Chair asked C.Cllr Gibson to find out from NCC who exactly was responsible for the green at Barrasford(at East Acres).

A private contractor cuts the grass and whoever they were employed by was surely responsible for the area.

C.Cllr Gibson said he would contact David Hunt.


2021/01/05.County Councillor Report.

C.Cllr Gibson began by reporting on the progress on new signage at Gunnerton.

Unfortunately, because of the distance the signs were to be positioned from the road, new signage was going to be made. If rumble strips were to be put on the road it would mean plaining the road which in turn would mean road closures and it was not clear that this would be feasible.

The extra flashing lighting at Barrasford had still not been finished but there was now a new member of the NCC team called Robin McCarthy. He was part of the ‘small schemes’ dept and C.Cllr Gibson would contact him to see what was happening.

As far as C.Cllr.Gibson was aware the order for lighting for Barrasford had never gone to the lighting dept.He felt we would need to bear with them until things were better organised within that dept.

C.Cllr Gibson also felt it was detrimental to progress that decisions were made from Google Maps instead of site meetings.

The elections on May 6th would seem to be going ahead at the moment but because of Covid-19 things could still change.

We might possibly have forms at the next meeting in March to fill in regarding elections. However, there may be changes with regarding collecting signatures etc.


2021/01/06.Items for Discussion.

The Chair wished it minuted at this point, the swift response from NCC once The Clerk had contacted them re: salt replenishment and the icy conditions.

1.The Parish now had 3 official snow wardens in The Monday Men.

There would need to be a strategy put in place March/May re; weather conditions and Sept meeting would need an item on the agenda for replenishing salt bins.

The Monday Men were to be supplied with white rock salt and other equipment from NCC.


The Chair asked the meeting to consider the purchase of a ‘handpush salter’ for the future and this would be put onto the May agenda.


The Chair wished it to be recorded in the minutes everyone’s appreciation of the work done by The Monday Men so far.


Cllr Lowdon informed the meeting that although grit heaps had been put down in Gunnerton, unfortunately they were not on the sites where they were most needed. Possibly NCC could liaise with local Parish Councillors on this matter.



The Chair had spoken to residents at Barrasford Park and he was informed they already purchased  a Defibrillator. They had purchased it through their own fund raising.

The Chair informed the meeting he was keen to have residents of Barrasford Park involved within the Parish. Cllr Lowdon said he already kept them informed of what was happening and they were aware of his role within the Parish Council and that he could be a point of contact if needed.


Extensive correspondence had been received from ‘Jo’ at ‘London Hearts’ re costings for Defibrillators.

Cllr Lowdon had discussed with Jen Dover the possibility of locating the Defibrillator on the outside of the Church at Gunnerton. This would need to be discussed with Rev. Lunn.

The Clerk informed the meeting the electricity needed was minimal and the PC met the cost of that at Barrasford Village Hall.

The Clerk and Cllr Lowdon would look further into this.


Cllr.Pigg had written to NCC (as a private resident) on the matter of the uneven paving stones outside her own house and several houses on East Acres.

Her deeds identified them as being the responsibility of NCC.


2021/01/08.Financial Matters.

  • Bank reconciliation: -£14646.68


  • The Parish Council would need to pay HMRC £7.92 x2 towards the Clerk’s National Insurance as her 6monthly payslip brought her over the £800.00 limit.

The accountant suggested the Clerk be paid 3 times a year to bring it to the required level. It was agreed to leave it with the accountant.


  • It was minuted £8000 was to be asked for the Precept for 2021/22.

The Chair signed and dated the form which the  Clerk would scan after the meeting and send to NCC before 29th January 2021.


  • The Clerk presented an invoice for £30.00 for flowers sent to Cllr Maud Jupp on her resignation from the PC. This was agreed. chq number 100702


  • A letter had been received from Northumberland Estates.

There was to be a rent in increase of £5 for the Play area at Barrasford bringing it up to £30.00.This was agreed and The Chair would sign a letter which needed to be returned to Northumberland Estates acknowledging the PC were in agreement.

The Clerk was asked to discuss the issue of tree maintenance with Northumberland Estates as at least one of the trees needed attention.

Update-it has since been established that Northumberland Estates are responsible for the trees within the Play Area.


2021/01/09.Planning Applications.

There were no new planning applications.


A letter had been received from Guy Munden of Northumberland Estates.

He thanked the Parish Council for their support but informed the meeting that the planning application for 18 new dwellings north of the old railway line had been refused once again.


2021/01/10.Information Items.



2021/01/11. Any Other Business.

  1. The Chair had recently spoken to Cllr Johnson who had been concerned by a matter raised by a local resident. Cllr. Johnson had been told the road was to be resurfaced from Ellwood through the village down toward the Barrasford Arms. Cllr Johnson was concerned this would impact on the area which regularly floods beside the tree at the shop.

The Clerk had sought reassurance from NCC, who knew nothing about this plan and

who agreed to consult with the Parish Council if this was ever to come up.

  1. Cllr Pigg suggested the Parish Council might have their own Facebook page.

This was to be put on the agenda to discuss in March.



2021/01/12.Date and Venue for next meeting.

24th March 2021 at 7.30 p.m. via Zoom.

Vice Chair Cllr Pigg would host once again.


This brought the meeting to a close at 8.26p.m.





                                      Signed ……………………………………………….(Chair)


