Chollerton Parish Council | Draft Minutes of Zoom Meeting held on 25/11/2020
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Draft Minutes of Zoom Meeting held on 25/11/2020

Draft Minutes of Zoom Meeting held on 25/11/2020



Draft Minutes of the first Zoom meeting to be held by Chollerton Parish Council on 25th November 2020 at 7.30.p.m.


Present(eventually):Cllr Edward Heslop(Chair);Cllr Dorothy Pigg(Vice Chair);Cllr Maggie Tarbitt; Cllr Fiona Charlton; Cllr Bruce Lowdon; County Councillor Rupert Gibson; Clerk- Liz Atkinson and able to hear but not be seen or heard Cllr Philip Eggleston.


The Vice Chair welcomed all and proceeded with the meeting until the Chair was able to join the meeting.


2020/11/01.Apologies for absence : were received by Cllr Malcolm Johnson who was unable to link into the meeting.


2020/11/02. Opportunity for Matters sent to The Clerk from Members of the Public before the Meeting.

Nothing had been received from members of the public but Parish councillors has asked for clarity and an update from C.Cllr. Gibson on the Gunnerton speed signage.

C.Cllr Gibson felt a lot of delays had been out down to the Covid-19 crisis but that he had been assured this signage was now imminent.


2020/11/03. Declaration of Interest from Members.

Cllr Heslop declared an Interest in the Financial Matters concerning Sports Tynedale request for a donation/grant.


2020/11/04a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

The minutes of the meeting held on 17th June 2020 had been passed to The Chair and as they were approved by all they were duly signed and dated as an accurate record.


2020/11/04b.Matters arising.

1.Cllr Pigg informed the meeting that someone had been taking pictures of the paving stones and the grass area which had been identified for extra parking at East Acres.

The Clerk would contact Karbon Homes to see what progress had been made.

2.C.Cllr Gibson agreed to contact the relevant dept. to see what the hold-up was for finishing the speed restriction signage in Barrasford.

The 30mph signs still needed to be moved further out the village on the road towards the Quarry.

The flashing signage during school transport times had not been erected and the 20mph sign had not been erected on Woodbine Tce. due to a resident refusing to allow it to be erected?



2020/11/05.County Councillor Report.

C.Cllr Gibson reminded the meeting of the addresses to be used for contacting relevant dept. within County. The email had been circulated before the meeting by The Clerk.

It was hoped these would mean the relevant party would be contacted quicker.

He also informed the meeting that he had the result back from the Local Transport Plan.

Chollerton Parish Council had outlined 3 points-

1.Additional barriers at the viaduct below Chollerton Church (once again)

2.Replacement of posts on a black spot on the A68 between Bingfield road end and Errington Red House Farm.

3.The need for a ‘giveway’ sign at the narrowing of the road beside Walkmill(next to the derelict cottage)just after Chollerton viaduct on A6079.


1.Once again there was no mention of the extra barriers below the viaduct.

2.C.Cllr Gibson felt there was some discrepancy as to whether the derelict cottage corner was in the Parish and this had not been mentioned on the report from County.

3.C.Cllr Gibson felt the concern on the A68 would be covered by Highways with road surfacing although it had not been mentioned about replacing the poles.


2020/11/06.Items for Discussion.

1.Covid update.

All attending the meeting felt they were up to date with the latest Covid news.

2.Resignation of Cllr Jupp

All attending the meeting were saddened to hear of her resignation and her ill health.

There had been no further up-date and the Parish Council did not feel it was right to intrude.

The Chair asked if anyone heard further news to let the rest of the PC know as it would be nice to send Cllr Jupp some flowers in recognition of all her hard work over the years .

It was agreed to carry on with 7 members at present.

Elections would be held in May of next year and as Covid-19 was very much present still, physical meetings were not going to be taking place any time soon.



All correspondence received by The Clerk had been circulated to members before the meeting when possible.

  1. The Chair summarised the work carried out by Sport Tynedale and where the money donated went to.

The Chair having declared an interest took no part in the debate.

Amateur coaches are supported with their training and struggling clubs have been supported throughout the Covid crisis.

Cllr Pigg suggested £150.00 be given and all at the meeting agreed.chq100700

  1. Mr Parberry, our Internal Auditor, had sent a letter of thanks to the PC for the gift received and he was pleased to have been able to Audit the books once again.



2020/11/08.Financial Matters.

Bank reconciliation was £16309.64

    VAT refund recorded as received 23rd June £356.00

    Second half of precept received 7th Sept £4000.00

    Top Sign paid for Defibrillator/Hall sign £156.00 chq 100694

Rent for Gunnerton Playing Field £150.00 chq100695




Invoices agreed on :-

PAYE-Phoebus Solutions £98.00 chq100696

Clerks wages/6 months £850.08 chq100697

Poppy Wreath £17.00 + £50.00 donation agreed upon=£67.00 chq100698

Lee Buckingham -paid for Defibrillator maintenance £239.88 chq100699


The forthcoming year’s Precept was discussed and was agreed on as before- £8000.00.

The form would be signed at the January 2021 meeting.


At this point the maintenance costs of Colwell defibrillator where discussed and it was felt the Parish Council were in a financial situation to support this.

Cllr Heslop would discuss with the relevant residents at Colwell.

It was also felt that Gunnerton should be supported in acquiring a defibrillator.

Cllr Lowdon would discuss with Gunnerton residents as to location etc.


2020/11/09.Planning Applications.

These had been dealt with by circulation to members and would continue to do so in the present climate.


2020/11/10. Information Items.

Cllr Tarbitt had been asked by Chollerton 1st school PTFA if the PC would contribute once again to more lights for the village for Christmas.

As there would not be the traditional Christmas Party for the children in the Hall it was agreed, if the PTFA put forward their idea to the PC ,they would certainly consider it.


2020/11/11. Any Other Business.

i.Once again the possibility of an electric car charging point in Barrasford was raised.

This was raised by Cllr Jupp last year and the Parish Council felt it was becoming more and more relevant although as to where it could actually be sited was an issue.

C.Cllr Gibson suggested contacting Robert McKenzie at Northumberland County Council as he was unable to shed any light on how Humshaugh had actually gone about installing their charging point.

  1. Cllr. Lowdon had contacted The Clerk for an update on the footpath registering at Gunnerton.

The Clerk had passed on a reply from John McErlane to Cllr Lowdon-although everything was delayed through Covid, this was still in the pipeline. It would, as we were initially told, take time. Cllr Lowdon had passed this on to the relevant/interested residents at Gunnerton.


2020/11/12.Date and Venue for Next Meeting.

27th January 2021 at 7.30 p.m. via Zoom. Vice Chair Cllr Dot Pigg would once again host.



This brought the meeting to a close at 8.36 p.m.  






