Chollerton Parish Council | Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 17th June 2020
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Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 17th June 2020

Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 17th June 2020

Draft Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on 17th June 2020 at 7.30 p.m outside Barrasford Village Hall.

1.Cllr Heslop welcomed everyone to the meeting which began at 7.30 p.m.
Present:- Cllr Eggleston, Cllr Pigg, Cllr Lowdon, Cllr Tarbit and Clerk Liz Atkinson.
2. Apologies for absence-were received from Cllr Johnson, Cllr Jupp, Cllr Charlton and County Councillor Gibson.
In order to keep within Govt. guidelines they had stood down from attending.
This meant the acceptable number attending in an open setting and maintaining a 2 metre distance was maintained.

3.Confirmation of Chairman for the Annual Meeting.
Cllr.Pigg proposed Cllr Heslop which Cllr Eggleston seconded.
Cllr Heslop took the Chair for the meeting.

4.Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting held on the 22nd May 2019 were accepted as an accurate record and signed by the Chair.

5.There were no matters arising.

6.Review of 2019-2020
Cllr Heslop had circulated a copy of his report to all Parish Councillors prior to the meeting, a copy of which will remain with these minutes.
Cllr Heslop wished to thank all the Parish Councillors for their support and hard work over the last year. He felt they were a good, strong team who worked in a sensible and progressive manner. He looked forward to working with them in the coming year.

He wished it noted that it was Ronnie” Ridley”’s death to which he was referring to in his report and his passing was the loss of another great “countryman” in the true sense of the word.

7. Accounts for year ended 31st March 2019-2020
The Clerk had circulated all necessary documents relating to the Accounts to the Parish Councillors prior to the meeting. Approval of the document would be considered at the Parish Meeting which followed on after this meeting.

8.Any Other Business.

The meeting closed at 7.37p.m. Signed ………………………….Chair
