28 Jan Draft Minutes of Meeting held on 22nd January 2020
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 22nd January 2020 in Barrasford Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.
Present: Cllr Edward Heslop (Chair): Cllr Dorothy Pigg (Vice Chair): Cllr Maud Jupp: Cllr Bruce Lowdon: Cllr Philip Eggleston: Cllr Fiona Charlton and Liz Atkinson (Clerk).
The Chair welcomed everyone.
The Chair welcomed Malcolm Johnson who had agreed to become a Parish Councillor. Malcolm had served the Parish Council for many years in the past and he thanked The Chair for such a warm welcome. He said he hoped he could contribute once again to the work of the Parish Council.
Members of the Public Present:- Mr Johnny Brockhouse.
2020/01/01. Apologies for Absence.
These were received from Cllr Maggie Tarbit and County Councillor Rupert Gibson.
2020/01/02Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the meeting to raise matters.
Mr Brockhouse thanked the Chair for the opportunity but informed the meeting he was only there to observe as he was really interested in the “workings” of the Parish Council.
2020/01/03. Declaration of Interest from Members. Cllr. Pigg declared her interest in connection with Lycetts.
2020/01/04a.Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
All agreed these were an accurate and true record. The Chair signed and
dated them.
2020/01/04b. Matters Arising from the above minutes not addressed elsewhere on the
i. After seeking advice, it was agreed that neither a loan nor donation should be given by the Parish Council for the B4NTR.
ii. Galbraiths had been contacted re: the increase on the rent for Gunnerton Playing Field.
They apologised for the letter sent in error. There would be an increase to £150 but not until the rent was due again in April.
iii. An email had been received from Sam Talbot with regard to the Knotweed at Gunnerton. She would contact Mr Robson suggesting he might like to acquire the land and therefore deal with the issue himself. As the PC was not the landowner for the area, they had been advised not to deal with it as any problems may make them liable. The County Council could not get involved with it for the same reason.
iv. The Chair had asked NCC if they would be willing to put in a tender for the Parishes’ grass cutting which was up for renewal in April.
As yet no one had put a tender in. It had been well advertised but few companies seemed willing to be involved in small, difficult areas .
v. The Clerk was asked to contact the Planning Dept. at NCC to see if there had been any development on the plans for The Potts in Barrasford.
2020/01/05. County Councillor Report.
The Chair informed the meeting that County Councillor Gibson had sent
his apologies. The Chair reminded the meeting that County Cllr Gibson had
never missed a meeting of Chollerton Parish Council as far as he was
aware and his input was always most valued.
The Chair would contact Neil Snowdon to clarify when exactly Barrasford traffic calming was actually going to be put into action. He would also ask him to clarify (before it was put into place)-exactly what was going to happen in regard to the traffic calming at Gunnerton.
2020/01/06.Items for Discussion.
i. Concerns had been expressed on the amount of surface water on the roads in the Parish. The County Council were aware of this and hopefully could make some headway on this problem in the near future.
ii. The Clerk had checked the Glass Recycling Bins at the Hall and although they were obviously well used ,they had been emptied quite recently. The Parish Council had been assured by County that they were now on the rota for regular emptying.
2020/01/07. Correspondence.
i. A copy of the email for the Library Briefing consultation had been sent to all Parish Councillors. Individuals could reply as they wished.
ii. Lifespan had requested a donation from the Parish Council. They are a Hexham based charity providing complimentary therapies to patients with life threatening/limiting illnesses and their carers across the North East.
The Chair suggested a donation of £50.00 and this was agreed. chq 100686.
iii. A letter had been received from Rev. Sarah Lunn asking for supporting in the upkeep of the churchyard. The Chair informed the meeting he had met with the Church Wardens and informed the meeting of the poor health of the Vicar from Humshaugh.
The meeting was in favour of supporting the churchyard and a donation of £1100 was agreed upon. chq100685.
A letter of thanks had been received from CAN in appreciation of the donation they had received.
2002/01/08. Financial Matters.
● Bank Reconciliation- £13821.68
● The parish Councillors were asked to note that a £10 charge had been paid for the cancellation of a cheque sent to Sport Tynedale which had been lost between paying in at a Post Office and their bank.
●It was agreed to pay the invoice from Dickinsons for grass cutting £2040.00
chq 100684.
● It was agreed to pay the invoice for the hire of Barrasford Village Hall £78.75
chq 100683.
● A letter had been received asking for ½ insurance payment for Barrasford Playground. It had already been agreed this would be an ongoing payment. All agreed £211.00 chq 100682.
It was to be minuted the Form for application of the Precept for 2020/2021 was completed and dated 22nd January 2020 by The Chair, the amount was agreed to stay at £8000.00
The Clerk would scan and email immediately after the meeting.
2020/01/09. Planning Applications.
Three planning applications had been passed round to Parish Councillors since the last meeting as all had deadline dates for comments before the 22nd January 2020 meeting.
1. App. No 19/03925/FUL Mr J Elkington. Coversion of barn to holiday lets at Chipchase Mill Farm. There had been no objections to this application and the Clerk had replied on December 19th.
2. App. No 19.04733/FUL Mr N Thompson Retrospective. Erection of wooden agricultural store and provision of secure shipping container to store tractors.
The PC were concerned that the addresses on the application differed and that there seemed to be an intention to have livestock. This could cause welfare issues and could also be a forerunner to a residential application. They felt conditions must be in place to prevent this.
The Clerk replied on January 15th.
3. App. No. 19/04602/OUT. Capt. Keith Marshall. The Clerk had asked for the verification of the boundary of the site as it was a concern it may be on a Right Of way. This was submitted on Dec 20th.
Planning Officer, Marie Haworth had replied the developments’ boundary had been clarified and it would not impact on any Public Right of Way.
The Clerk asked if the Parish Council would be willing to allow her to inquire about Internet Banking on their Behalf. Everyone was in agreement.
Lead Member for Planning for February/March 2020- Cllr Dorothy Pigg.
2020/01/10. Information Items.
2020/01/11. Any Other Business.
The Chair informed the meeting that he had been asked by residents of Colwell to raise the matter of vehicles parked at the bottom of Colwell village.
Over Christmas there had been a number of complaints at the increasing volume of vehicles and the restriction of parking and access to certain fields.
It was agreed The Clerk and Chair would contact the Enforcement Officer and County Council at Highways to see what was allowed on this land and what could be done to prevent this recurring.
2020/01/12. Date and Venue for Next Meeting.
Wednesday 25th March 2020 at 7.30 p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 8.36 p.m.