Chollerton Parish Council | Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 27th November 2019
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Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 27th November 2019

Draft Minutes of the meeting held on 27th November 2019

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 27th November 2019 in Gunnerton Church at 7.30. p.m.

Present: Cllr Edward Heslop(Chair);Cllr Dorothy Pigg(Vice-Chair);Cllr Maggie Tarbit;Cllr Maud Jupp;Cllr Bruce Lowdon and Cllr Fiona Charlton;County Councillor Rupert Gibson and Liz Atkinson (Clerk).

The Chair welcomed everyone.
Members of the Public Present:-Mr.Paul Easthaugh and Ms.Lee Rawles from B4NTR;Mr.Roger and Mrs.Rosa Parberry;Mr.Keith McLean and Mr.Ian Lancaster-Smith.

2019/11/01 Apologies for Absence.
These were received from Cllr.Eggleston

2019/11/02 Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the meeting to raise
Keith McLean spoke of his concerns for the proposed development of 14 private
dwellings with garages on land south west of Chollerton 1st School on Station
Road (known locally as The Potts)
His main concern was of the risk of flooding and the impact this could have on
residents and their insurance if it were to take place.
The developer had reported that no flooding had taken place on the site since 2013
but there was photographic evidence of flooding in 2016.
Mr McLean questioned why there was a need for ‘rain gardens ‘at every house if
There was not a problem with flooding. He had spoken to the lead member of the
Local Flood Authority who had objections to the development for these reasons.

The Chair felt that Mr McLean had very valid concerns but pointed out that a loss of value on current properties did not affect a planning application.

Mr Parberry read out his response which he had sent to the Planning Dept.
He also had great concerns about the possibility of flooding. He pointed out the
lack of public transport, tiny village shop (with no post office) and where was the
sewage from more houses going to go.

County Councillor Gibson’ Declared an Interest ‘and pointed out that every new house does not require flood insurance.

Mr Lancaster-Smith had looked at the plans and had concerns as to where the water
retention would be and felt the expense would be impractical.

The Chair felt this would need looking at again and the Parish Council would put their response in by 29th November as requested. Once the outcome of NCC’s decision was known another meeting might need to be considered. He thanked everyone for putting their points across.

Paul Easthaugh and Lee Rawles from B4NTR gave the meeting some more detail as to the progress being made.
They expected Barrasford and Chollerton to be the first to switched on with the BT green box in the village used to connect cables.
They hoped the Village Hall could be the centre of the Internet but was advised the Parish Council did not look after the hall.
The Duke of Northumberland owned the hall with the day to day running and caretaking done by the Hall Committee.
The Chair offered his services to help as landowners would need to be contacted in regard to laying cables.
Paul informed the meeting there would be more publicity and meetings to keep everyone up to date with developments.
Ray Wind Fund is putting up a started fund but more local investment is needed and encouraged.

The Chair thanked them for coming and asked for leaflets to be handed out around the communities to keep everyone informed.

2019/11/03.Declaration of Interest.

2019/11/04a.Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
All agreed these were an accurate and true record. The Chair signed and dated

2019/11/04b. Matters Arising.
i. A Safeguarding Policy was now in place. Cllr Tarbit had worked
tirelessly to complete this and The Chair thanked her for her diligence. Cllr Tarbit volunteered to be the Safe Guarding Officer. All agreed.
ii. The footpath at Hawthorn Tce. Gunnerton had been registered with the
appropriate dept. A letter had been received acknowledging this but
also reminding the PC that this could take sometime to be completed.
The planning application which had concerned those who used the path at Bracken Hill had been withdrawn.
iii. The Clerk had been in correspondence with NCC to ask for the 20mph signs to be double sided and one slightly higher than on the plans at the school.
County Cllr Gibson informed the meeting the traffic calming was going to cost more than had at first been quoted.
iv. The Chair advised that although he had been in touch with NCC, he had heard nothing and asked that this matter be left with him.
v. County Cllr Gibson advised the meeting that there was no schedule of work for the roadsweeper.

2019/11/05. County Councillor Report.
County Cllr Gibson informed the meeting that he had a list of the Local Transport Plan. It was listed in order of priority and unfortunately the three recommendations submitted by Chollerton Parish Council were a long way down the list.
The Chair asked what was really considered to be ‘affordable housing ‘and if a survey could be done to confirm what kind of housing is really needed.

The Chair thanked County Cllr Gibson for attending.

2019/11/06. Items for Discussion.
●The Clerk was instructed to place an advertisement in the Hexham
Courant re: Invitation to tender for the Grass Cutting within Chollerton
The Clerk would inform Dickinsons’ of the contract coming to an end and
the intention to advertise.
The new contract would run from the 1st April 2020, hopefully for three years.
●Although there had been no request for an electric hook-up as yet from any
Parishioners, it was felt that this might be something to look at in the near

2019/11/07. Correspondence.
i. The Chair thanked the Parish Council for the donation to Sport Tynedale and said anyone was welcome to come to the Award ceremony.
ii. A notice of consultation from NCC on dog fouling and control in Public spaces was passed round the Parish Councillors.
iii. The Clerk would resend, by email, the Christmas menu from the Barrasford Arms. She would check if it could be booked for the 15th January 2020.
iv. The Ofgem email which had been circulated was for each Parish councillor to respond to individually, if they so wished.
v. The Clerk would speak to Sam Talbot from NCC on the issue of the Knotweed at Tip Corner at Gunnerton.
This matter had been thoroughly looked into by the Parish Council and there was nothing more the PC could do as the land is not actually their responsibility. Nor was it registered to anyone.
A letter had already been sent to Rex Robson at Gunwarra explaining this to him.
The Clerk would discuss with Sam what should happen now.
2019/11/08.Financial Matters.
● Bank reconciliation was passed to all members.
The amount in the bank was £15198.00

● Donation to Sport Tynedale cheque no-100674 £150-posted by Clerk. Lost by recipients bank New cheque issued no-100676 £150.00
●Donation to CAN Northumberland agreed cheque no-100681 £25.00
●Donation request from Chollerton 1st School PTFA towards Xmas lights in Barrasford Playing field-agreed . cheque no-100679 £150.00
●Donation already agreed for Chollerton childrens Xmas party
cheque no:100675 £160.00
●Clerks wages 6 months. cheque no: 100677 £841.32
● Wark Branch RBL for Poppy Wreath.Wreath cost £17.00 agreed to donate £8.00
cheque no 100678 £25.00
●Hire of Gunnerton Church cheque no:100680 £15.00

An invoice had been received from Galbriaths -asking for the payment for Gunneton Playing Field (Chipchase Estates).
As this had increased from £125.00 to £150.00 without an accompanying the letter The Clerk was asked to contact Galbraiths for an explanation.

The Clerk had set out a budget sheet and it was agreed to leave the precept at £8000.00.

2019/11/09. Planning Applications.
Planning Application:-Mr Nick Dawe
Number 19/04358/FUL
Construction of 14 private dwelling houses with garages on Land South West of Chollerton 1st School Barrasford.

After further discussion it was agreed The Clerk would lodge the following concerns on behalf of the Parish Council
1.The Parish Council has concerns regarding the accuracy of the information given within the application.
2.There is no Post Office and the local bus service is very basic, with only one bus on a Tuesday and Friday and on Saturdays when it turns up.
3.More research is needed into the risk of flooding as this a major concern.
4. Must contain appropriate number of low-cost housing.

Lead Member of Planning for December 2019/January 2020- Cllr Bruce Lowdon

2019/11/10. Information Items.
Mr Malcolm Johnson has expressed an interest in the Parish Council Vacancy.
The Chair informed the meeting that Mr Ian Lancaster -Smith had been interested in the PC Vacancy.
However one of the stipulations was to be on the Electoral Roll for over one year ,which as yet he had not.

2019/11/11. Any Other Business.
The Clerk would check with Stephen Rickett of NALC as to whether the PC could invest/donate toward B4NTR.

2019/11/12. Date and Venue of the Next Meeting.
Wednesday 22nd January 2020 Barrasford Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.

Cllr Lowdon would check the availability of Gunnerton Church earlier in the new year so as to avoid a meeting when it is both cold and dark ,making parking and visibility rather dangerous.

The Meeting closed at 9.35p.m.

