13 Nov Agenda 27.11.2019
The next meeting of Chollerton Parish Council will be held on
Wednesday 27th November 2019
at 7.30pm in Gunnerton Church
Elizabeth Atkinson
Clerk to the Parish Council
1. Apologies for Absence.
2. Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the meeting to Raise Matters
(Questions which require a substantive answer at the meeting need to have been submitted to the Parish Clerk in writing 5 days before the meeting)
Paul Eastaugh on B4NTR
3. Declarations of Interest from Members
To receive disclosures of personal and/or prejudicial interest from Members on matters to be considered at the meeting.
4.a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting
To approve the minutes of the Parish Council meeting held on 25th September 2019
4.b.. Matters Arising from the above minutes not addressed elsewhere on the agenda
i. Safeguarding Policy
ii. Footpath at Hawthorn Tce. Gunnerton
Withdrawing of request for plot 3 Bracken Hill Gunnerton
iii.Traffic calming at Barrasford
iv. Path and hedge cutting on the path from Grieves garage to Quarry
v. Schedule for roadsweeper-from County Council
5. County Councillor Report
Update from County Councillor Rupert Gibson for Humshaugh Ward.
6. Items for Discussion
To discuss issues which have arisen or are causing concern within the Parish of Chollerton.
Grass cutting Tender
Electric hook up-points.
7. Correspondence
To note items received and sent out and consider their contents as necessary
i. Annual West Northumberland Sports Award-circulated by email
ii NCC Notice of Consultation-Proposal to make Public Spaces Protection Order for
the control of dogs.
Iii Barrasford Arms Christmas menu
8. Financial Matters
● Bank reconciliation
● Cheque for Sport Tynedale-to be minuted
● request for donation from CAN Northumberland
● request for donation from Chollerton Ist School Christmas lights
● cheque agreed on since last meeting -donation to Chollerton Parish Childrens Xmas
Party £160.00- cheque no 100675
● Clerk’s wages
● Budget
9. Planning Applications.
● Planning Applications.
Application Mr Nick Dawe
Number 19/04358/FUL
Construction of 14 private dwelling houses with garages
Land South West of Chollerton First School Barrasford
Applicant: Northumbria Water
Number 19/04124/FUL
No objections-response emailed to NCC on 23.10.2019
Lead Member for Planning for December 2019/January 2020
10. Information Items
To note information items received and events attended since the last meeting.
Notice of Vacancy for Parish Councillor. Co-opted notices posted.
11. Any Other Business
Business taken under this agenda item is for discussion only.
12. Date and Venue for Next Meeting
Parish Council meetings are now held on the fourth Wednesday of alternate months.
[ Signed E Atkinson(Clerk)]
Chollerton Parish Council
Cllr Edward Heslop (Chair); Cllr Dorothy Pigg (Vice Chair);Cllr Bruce Lowdon; Cllr Fiona Charlton; Cllr Maud Jupp; Cllr Maggie Tarbit;Cllr Philip Eggleston.
Parish Clerk: Elizabeth Atkinson 2 Warkworth Cottages, Barrasford, Hexham, NE48 4AA
e-mail: theclerk.chollerton@gmail.com Tel: 07765 388918