Chollerton Parish Council | Draft Minutes for the meeting 25th September 2019
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Draft Minutes for the meeting 25th September 2019

Draft Minutes for the meeting 25th September 2019

Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 25th September 2019 at 7.30 p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall.

Present: Cllr Edward Heslop(Chair);Cllr Dorothy Pigg(Vice Chair);Cllr Philip Eggleston; Cllr Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Maud Jupp; Cllr Fiona Charlton; Cllr Bruce Lowdon; County Councillor Rupert Gibson ;Liz Atkinson (Clerk).
The Chair welcomed everyone.
Members of the public present:-Elissa Patterson, I.Lancaster Smith, Eddie Milligan, Michael Broadbent, Maureen Broadbent, Sally Wright, Graeme Wright and Tony Selden.

2019/09/01 Apologies for Absence.
These were received from Steven Campbell.

2019/09/02. Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the Meeting to Raise Matters.
Elissa Patterson from the Chishillways planting project wished to thank the Parish Council and Cllr Tarbit in particular, for supporting them in applying for funding from the Community Foundation.
Cllr Tarbit explained that a Safeguarding Policy still needed to be put in place which the Community Foundation would accept. She had submitted several, which as yet were felt not to be what was required.
The grant of £250 had been received into the bank by the Parish Council.The Chair assured Elissa payment would be made at the end of the meeting and the Policy worked on further.
Elissa was advised to keep all receipts connected with purchases for this project.
The Chair asked if all Parish Councillors were in agreement to pay £250 out of the Parish Councils funds if the application fell through-all were in agreement.

Maureen Broadbent spoke on behalf of the other members of the public present in connection with the footpath at Gunnerton.
She had been in contact with John McErlane from Northumberland County Council. He had advised her to get the backing and support of the Parish Council in the hope of registering the footpath as a ‘public footpath’.There are very few footpaths alongside the roads in Gunnerton and the footpath in question links various walks.
Concern was raised on the planning application at plot 3 Bracken Hill encroaching on this much used path.(Item 9 on the Agenda).
The Clerk would liaise with Mrs Broadbent and contact John McErlane with the concerns raised.
The required forms had been submitted as proof of the continually used footpath by numerous residents over many years.
The Clerk would also discuss, asap with John, the necessary advertising needed for this to go ahead.
Eddie Milligan had been nominated in the LOVE Northumberland awards.
He had been successful and wished to thank the Parish Council for the nomination.
He had brought along to the meeting his beautiful cup and plaque for all to see.

2019/09/03.Declaration of Interest.
The Chair declared an interest in the application for a grant from Sports
Tynedale and asked The Vice Chair to cover this item.

2019/09/04a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
All agreed these were an accurate and true record. The Chair signed and
dated them.

2019/09/04b. Matters Arising.
1. The issues of the overhanging branches were ongoing but being dealt with by the appropriate bodies.
2. As mentioned earlier Eddie Milligan had been nominated by the Parish Council successfully and had already received his prize.
3. The speed calming plans for Barrasford were passed round the meeting and discussed.
The Clerk was instructed to report back to Highways that on the whole the Parish Council were pleased with the proposal. However they would like a double sided 20mph sign to be put further up past the school for traffic coming down from the Station.
If possible double-sided 20mph signs all the way down Station Road.
4. The Chair informed the meeting he had a meeting with Michelle Nixon from the Village Hall at Barrasford and the County Council on the installation of a bottle bank at the Village Hall.
It had been agreed to install 3 to 4 wheeley bins which would be regularly emptied.
5. James Dickinson had secured handles on either side of the bus stop at Barrasford to assist residents to access the shelter.
6. Another letter had been received from Mr Jones(a resident of Barrasford) complaining about the length of the grass on the footpath between Grieves’ garage and the Quarry entrance.
The Chair would ask the County Council to clarify who should be maintaining the path and who was responsible for the hedge cutting as the hedge was now encroaching over the path.
The Chair did not want to discourage the Quarry support as this was being done for no payment.

2019/09/05 County Councillor Report.
As County Councillor Gibson felt he had nothing new to report this
Meeting The Chair asked if anyone had any concerns to put before C.Cllr
Cllr Eggleston asked if the footpath round Chollerton Church could be tidied
and also the gutters round the Parish were becoming clogged with debris and
County Councillor Gibson agreed to look into this and see what the
Schedule of work was like for the Roadsweeping machine.

The Chair wished it noted that in this time of Government cut-backs and little
Public money available, that residents within the Parish look to doing some
small jobs themselves in their area.

2019/09/06 Items for Discussion.

● Jen Dover had informed The Chair there was no further development on the
bridge and footpath at Gunnerton discussed in previous meetings.

● a. Discussion followed on an appropriate Safeguarding Policy necessary for the
Parish Council. All agreed it would be very useful to have it in place but there
was concern as to the amount of detail needed.
County Cllr Gibson would ask other Parish Councillors what they had in place.
Cllr Pigg asked why could Chollerton Parish Council not challenge the Policy
demanded by the Community Foundation.
It was agreed Cllr Pigg,Cllr Charlton and the Clerk would work on producing a
letter asking this question.
● b. Suggestions for the Local Transport Plan needed to be submitted.
1.additional barriers on the Viaduct at Chollerton-from the existing one up
towards the Church at Chollerton.
2.the site-line at the top of Dalla bank at the junction needed clearing.
3.on the A68 ,going North ,between the junction of Bingfield and Errington Red
House Farm,at the bottom of Beaukley Bank, the black and white marker
poles which were on the roadside are no longer visible. This is close to a dip
and then sudden rise where camba tends to pull the roadside over sharply.

2019/09/07. Correspondence.
a. Re registering a Right of Way at Gunnerton-this had already been dealt with.
b. Sports Tynedale requested a donation to support local sporting talent as
well as sports coaching .
Cllr Pigg proposed £150 donation and this was seconded by Cllr Charlton.
Cheque no 100674
c. A reply had been received from Ken Carlisle of the PCC and it was
agreed a meeting would be arranged to discuss grants and donations
In the future.
d. An email had been received from the Environment Agency on the Changes to Water Resource licensing.
The Clerk would put the information on the Website and the Noticeboards.
e. The Chair informed the meeting of a letter received from Northumberland
Estates with regard to their planning application above the Station at Barrasford. This had been turned down by the County Council but they were now proposing only 19 houses with an increase in affordable housing.
The Chair agreed to respond for the Parish Council asking for a survey to be done by Northumberland Estates into what housing was actually needed in the local community. How many of the houses could be purchased?

Cllr Jupp asked The Chair why this would be possible considering the band put round the village earlier in the year by the County Council stopping further development, outside the boundary.
f. Jen Dover had informed the Clerk that the Poppy Wreath was in hand.The Clerk would ask that the invoice for this be handed to her.
g. A letter had been received from Rev Lunn apologising for the misleading comments in the Broadsheet with regard to contributions made towards the upkeep of the churchyard. A breakdown of costs was explained within the letter.
h. The Chair read out a letter of resignation from Cllr.Steven Campbell. He has served on the Parish Council for many years and had been a great asset. Unfortunately he felt work and family commitments were making it difficult for him to attend meetings.
The Chair would write to Steven and thank him for all his hard work.

A letter had been received for the Northumberland Local Plan which needed comments in by November 6th. The Clerk had already emailed copies to the Parish Councillors and a paper copy was passed to Cllr Jupp.
Parish Councillors were encouraged to read and comment accordingly.

2019/09/08. Financial matters.
● Bank Reconciliation. Everyone was passed a copy.
Total in bank £11558.00
It was noted £250.00 had been received which would be passed on by cheque to The Chishillways group. Cheque no 100673
● The invoice from Phoebus Solutions for the PAYE was for
£110.00 cheque no 100672
As cheque 100651 for £55.00 payroll oct. 2018- sept 2019 was out of date a new invoice had been received including this and payroll oct 2019-sept 2020.Total £110.00.
● Budget
The budget would need to be confirmed by the end of January so all were
asked to give careful thought as to what the money should be spent on.

The Clerk would check the dates of James Dickinson’s contract for grass-cutting as quotes would be needed when this expired.

2019/09/09 Planning Applications.
● Planning application Mr Keith Marshall Ref 19/03450/OUT Outline planning permission for 1 house and garage. Plot 3 Bracken Hill Gunnerton.
The Clerk would submit the concerns raised by the Parish Council and ask for clarification-
1. The access of the footpath raised previously in the meeting.
2 .Ask that the properties boundaries be checked .
3. The house would seem to be overbearing!!-is this correct.

● Lead Member for Planning for October/November 2019 Cllr Maud Jupp

2019/09/10. Information Items.
. None.

2019/09/11.Any Other Business.
2019/09/12. Date and Venue of the next meeting.
Wednesday 27th November 2019 at 7.30 p.m. in Gunnerton Church.

The Meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.

