26 Jul Draft Minutes for Meeting held on 24th July 2019
Draft Minutes of the Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 24th July 2019 at 7.30 p.m. in Colwell Village Hall.
Present:-Cllr Edward Heslop(Chair);Cllr Dorothy Pigg(Vice Chair);Cllr Philip Eggleston; Cllr Maud Jupp; Cllr Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Fiona Charlton; County Councillor Rupert Gibson; Liz Atkinson (Clerk).
The Chair welcomed everyone .memberws of the public present were Mrs Jen Dover, Mr and Mrs Lowdon, Mrs Sally Dickinson and Mrs Denny Philips.
2019/07/01.Apologies for absence.
There were apologies from Cllr. Steven Campbell.
2019/07/02.Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the Meeting
to Raise Matters.
Mrs Dover spoke for the rest of the members of the public present
with regard to the path used by many walkers, on land owned by
Chipchase Estates. The track runs down over a bridge at The Nursery
and continues up to the Mott and Bailey. It is marked as a track on the
Ordnance Survey map and was cleared and repaired by Mrs Dover and
her Rangers back in 1987.It is now in need of repair once again and
the group wish to organise repairing the track and bridge themselves.
They were seeking the support of the Parish Council.
The Chair felt that the first thing to be obtained was obviously the
support and agreement of Jonathan Elkington, the owner of the
land in question. The Parish Council were in support of the residents from
Gunnerton taking this on.
The Clerk would contact Savills for guidance on this.
Suggestions were put forward as to who to approach for funding should
the required permission be granted.
County Cllr Gibson felt this an appropriate point to hand the Traffic
Calming Assessment for Gunnerton to The Chair. He informed the
meeting estimates were being prepared.
2019/07/03.Declaration of Interest. None.
Mr Bruce Lowdon expressed an interest in the Parish Councillor vacancy and asked to stay for the reminder of the meeting.
2019/07/04a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
All agreed these were an accurate and true record and were
signed by The Chair.
2019/07/04b.Matters Arising.
1. The Quarry visit in June had been an interesting and enjoyable visit.
The Chair had sent a letter of appreciation to all the people from the
Quarry who had been involved in organising it and showing us round.
2. Cllr Tarbit had spent a lot of time working on the grant application for the planting project at Chishillways.
She informed the meeting the work was still ongoing ,although the funding had been approved.
It had been approved with conditions, some of which neither Cllr Tarbit nor The Chair felt where appropriate for this grant.
A Safe Guarding Policy must be developed by the Parish Council and at least a draft of this must be submitted within three months.
The Clerk would contact CAN Northumberland for advice.
3. The Chair was pleased to report the land at the bottom of Colwell village had been tied up after some intervention from the Land Agents.
4. Kath Heard from Karbon Homes had been in contact with The Chair.
Karbon Homes were unable to help with any resurfacing work on the parking area at the bottom of West Crescent ,Gunnerton.
However Mrs Dover had asked Tarmac, during the Quarry Liaison meeting if they could help and they had agreed to see if anything could be done.
2019/07/05. County Councillor Report.
County Councillor Gibson reported the design for the traffic calming at
Barrasford should be with the Parish Council some time in August.
County Councillor Gibson agreed to look into the bus service provided
to Barrasford and Gunnerton.There seem to be some concern that it
was going to be cut further.
A resident of Barrasford had asked if a handrail might be fitted to the
bus shelter in Barrasford to enable more elderly residents support in
stepping into the bus shelter. The Clerk would speak to James
Dickinson for a price and to see when this work could be undertaken.
The Chair thanked County Councillor Gibson for attending the meeting.
2019/07/06 Items for Discussion.
a. Transport. None
b. It was agreed by all at the meeting that there had been a great deal
of resurfacing on the local roads recently.
The Clerk was asked to contact Mr Gaisford about tree overhanging
the main road just above the entrance to Woodhall and also Mr
Murphy from Swinburne about cutting back the trees on the road
going out past Colwell village hall to the A68.
c. A resident of Barrasford had taken it upon themselves to pull the ’No
Dogs ‘sign off the gate on Chishillways play area.The Clerk had located the damaged sign, had it repaired and reinstated on the fence. An apology had been received and the correct channel of communication with any grievances pointed out to the resident.
1. A letter had been received from NCC asking the Parish Council to
consider what top three highways and transport issues they would like
included in the Local Transport Plan Programme for 2020-21.
These would need to be submitted by the 4th October so would be
discussed at the September meeting. The Chair suggested concerns on
The Viaduct should be included once again.
2. The Chair had been contacted by a resident of Hallington
expressing concern at the number of containers and caravans which had
appeared on a field near Hallington.The enforcement officer Alex
Campbell was aware of this issue and the owner of the field had been
given advice on what was permissible and what would need planning
3. A request for a donation had been received a recently from
Chollerton PCC. Further information had been requested by The
Chair on how the money would be used and this had been received.
The Chair felt as this was Public Money it needed to be spent wisely and
with consideration. A considerable proportion received through the Precept was spent on grass cutting.
The Chair would write to the PCC informing them of the grant for £1000,
cheque no.100671, explaining the concerns of the Parish Council in
how to spend the public money.
4. A letter had been received from NCC on a review of Polling
Districts,Places and Stations.
The Clerk would email the address given with the PC’s satisfaction of the two polling stations they had at present.
5. The Chair would look at the LOVE Northumberland letter and
respond appropriately as a reply would need to be in by 2nd August.
Mr Ed Milligan was suggested as a good candidate by The Chair.
6.Cllr Pigg volunteered to hand a letter regarding Green Rigg funding to
Michelle Nixon. Michelle was working with the local football club on their
fund raising.
7.A letter had been received from Malcolm Nixon asking for more work
to be done on clearing the footpath, especially close to grieves Garage.
The Chair would contact the Quarry to see if it could be cut soon.
8. Information on Adapt had been received and The Clerk would pin it
up on the noticeboard in the bus shelter.
2019/07/08.Financial Matters.
i. The Clerks expenses- for a gift to Internal Auditor- £7.95
Postage of VAT return £1.06
This was agreed cheque no.100669 £9.01
ii. Lime Design-Fix Posting Problem £60.00
This was agreed cheque no. 100670
iii As mentioned above it was agreed to give a donation to the PCC
toward Churchyard maintenance of £1000 cheque no.100671
The Bank reconciliation had been sent to the Parish Councillors.
Balance as 29.6.2019 was £12377.01
A VAT refund had been received of £585.95
2019/07/09. Planning Applications.
A planning application had been received between meetings and
had been circulated to all Parish Councillors.
There were no objections.
Application no.19/01953/FUL
● Lead Member for Planning for August/September 2019-Cllr Dot Pigg
2019/07/10.Information Items.
The issue of the dangerous flagstones at East Acres was ongoing.
Workmen from NCC had been out to do some repairs but everyone
was in agreement that the area should be surfaced in Tarmac.
2019/07/11.Any Other Business.
The Clerk was asked to contact NCC as to whether a Bottle Bank
could be installed in Barrasford. If this was possible the PC would
look into where best to locate it.
The Chair reminded members of the need to decide on a date for a
farewell meal for Jen Dover. Hopefully a date early in September could
be agreed on.
2019/07/12. Date and Venue of the Next Meeting.
Wednesday 25th September 2019 at 7.30 p.m. in Barrasford
Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 9 p.m.