Chollerton Parish Council | DRAFT MINUTES OF THE PARISH MEETING – 27TH MARCH 2019
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Draft Minutes of the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on the
27th March 2019 at 7.30 p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall.

Present: Clllr Edward Heslop; (Chair); Cllr Jen Dover (Vice-Chair); Cllr Maud Jupp; Cllr Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Philip Eggleston; Cllr Dot Pigg;
County Councillor Rupert Gibson, Liz Atkinson (Clerk)

Dr Paul Eastaugh (B4NTR); Mr and Mrs Bullock; Ms Michelle Nixon; Kate Buckingham (Hexham Courant); Mr Alan Gibson; Mrs Denny Phillips; Mrs Wildsmith (former Headteacher for Chollerton 1st School) and Mr Wildsmith; and Mrs Patricia Simpson (former Head of Governors for Chollerton 1st School).

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
He felt this was a special meeting which meant a lot to the Parish.

Refreshments were provided throughout the meeting from the Parish Councillors.

2019/03/01. Apologies for absence.
There were apologies from Cllr. Fiona Charlton and Cllr. Steven

2019/03/02. Presentation of Local Heroes Awards.
The Chair informed those present that the Local Heroes Awards
had been presented by the Parish Council for the last two years. It was
a way of acknowledging the input made for the community, from
individuals who did not seek recognition for the work they had done.
They had gone over and above what was expected of them and the
Awards were a sincere recognition of appreciation.
Michelle Nixon was the first to receive her certificate from The Chair.
Michelle had input in many areas in the community-from her overseeing
of the smooth running of the village hall, to over 23yrs helping run
the local football team. Her career as a child-minder within the village
enabled younger children to access Chollerton 1st School. It was hoped
she would continue with her roles within the community.
Jim Bullock was presented with his certificate next.
For over 40yrs he had been part of the history researchers and had
played a big part in keeping Gunnerton reading room open. He had
been Church warden for many years as well as being Chair of the
School Governors for 34yrs at Chollerton 1st School.
Former Headteacher, Mrs Wildsmith and Former Head of School
Governors Mrs Patricia Simpson attended the meeting to show their
appreciation for all Jim had done.

Mr Bullock thanked everyone for this certificate but felt it only right to say he
had always enjoyed everything he had been part of. It lifted his spirits to come
back to the Parish and the school. It gave him great joy to be given this
The third award was presented to Cllr Jen Dover for the work she had done
within many areas of the community as well as over 20yrs within the Parish
Council itself. Last year Cllr Dover had informed the Parish Council she would be
standing down the following year, so this was also her last meeting. Her
knowledge, wisdom and support had been much appreciated and would be
greatly missed.
Cllr Dover thanked everyone and said it had always been a joy and a pleasure.
The Chair concluded with;
”We thank you all for what you have done but more for the way you have done it”.

Kate Buckingham, the Hexham Courant photographer, took photographs in the
Main Hall of the recipients of the Local Heroes Awards.

2019/03/03. Broadband Presentation by Dr Paul Eastaugh from Broadband for North
Tyne and Redesdale,(B4NTR).
Paul outlined what it was hoped to achieve within our local area. He handed
out an information sheet which he hoped could be passed on to residents within
the Parish.
He informed the meeting that they would need people to sign a declaration of
Interest before work could go ahead.
A public meeting was to take place on 21st May at 8p.m. in Barrasford Village
The Clerk would publicise this on the Parish Council website.
The Chair thanked Dr Eastaugh for giving an insight into B4NTR.

2019/03/04. Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the meeting to Raise
Denny Phillips raised once again the concerns of residents in Gunnerton
on the speed of vehicles travelling through their village. There are no footpaths
on the main road going through the village so pedestrians are going to be
walking on the road itself. Traffic travelling through from the direction of the
Water works i.e. The Rack, are often travelling at speed and one of the first
things they pass is the playground. There are now at least 23 children living
in the village and luckily up to now the only thing killed on the road has been
ducks or hens.
The Chair handed over to C.Cllr Gibson to see if something could be done.
It was agreed the Parish Councillors would organise a site meeting to
discuss the issues on speeding at Gunnerton.
A letter would be sent to Neil Snowdon in the hope of resolving the 20mph
Speed signage in Barrasford
Cllr Tarbit and Cllr Jupp suggested to Denny Phillips that it might be useful
to ask other residents in Gunnerton, who would be interested to be trained for
Speedwatch training.
Alan Gibson asked what was happening about the Memorial seat.
80% of the money needed was raised by donations and the seat had been
purchased and delivered. There would be a dedication on Saturday 30th March
at 10.30 a.m. at Chollerton Church. Jim Bullock would read the names of the
fallen. This had been advertised throughout the Parish, in the Broadsheet, on
the website, in the Courant, on all the noticeboards and at the shop. Everyone
was welcome to attend.
The Chair informed the meeting the seat would be concreted to the ground
and The Clerk informed the meeting the seat was now insured.

2019/03/05. Declarations of Interest.

2019/03/06a. Minutes of the Previous meeting.
It was agreed these were a true and correct record and The Chair dated
and signed them.

2019/03/06b.Matters Arising.
i. The Chair had been in contact with Chris Snowball who had taken over
from Ed Dixon at Barrasford Quarry. Chris was keen to continue the yearly
visit by the PC to the Quarry in June and the Quarry has agreed to arrange for
the cutting of the grass overhanging the footpath between the Quarry and
Grieves garage.
The Clerk had informed Chris of the seat dedication but he would not be able to
ii. There had been significant improvement at Colwell with the clearance
of vehicles and a general tidy up.

2019/03/07. County Councillor Report.
N.C.Cllr Gibson felt there was little to report from the last meeting.
He felt NCC was swamped with speeding issues and did not feel rumble
strips were the way forward as they had proven to be an annoyance to
residents living close to where they were sited.
N.C.Cllr Gibson would let the Parish Council know when a meeting could be
arranged with Neil Snowdon at Gunnerton.
The Chair asked what was also happening with the 20mph signs promised at

2019/03/08. Items for Discussion.
a. Transport-None
b. Highways-Cllr Pigg-brought to the attention of the meeting the ‘uneven road’ signs which had been put up at either end of the road from the junction
at the top of Dalla Bank towards Middle Farm. The Chair asked N.C.Cllr Gibson to look into the conditions on said road.
c. Maintenance. The Chair asked what was happening about the roof
on Barrasford Bus Shelter. Cllr Dover had already asked James Dickinson
and had been told it was on his list when the weather was appropriate.

●.A letter of thanks had been received from Barrasford Playground Committee
for the Parish Councils contribution of £206.00 toward the Insurance cover.
● The Chair had submitted a response on behalf of the Parish Council for the
Local Plan consultation.
It read- Chollerton Parish Council are concerned at the apparent lack of consideration and allocation with regards to supporting the sustainability of settlements in the rural areas.
In particular, the lack of potential housing sites at Barrasford-a village with a school, public house, community hall, church and village shop.
We feel it is vital to designate a degree of new housing to support and enhance all of these services.
●Another letter had been received from Elissa Patterson of Chishillways.
It was agreed that The Chair would speak to Elissa as there was some concern
within the meeting as to what exactly was being proposed within the small
Play area at Chishillways. Plans seemed to have gone from a few climbing
plants on the back of the garages to trellis’ and a lot more planting than was
discussed. Also the letter was asking for the Parish Council to possibly apply
to Green Rigg funding on their behalf.

2019/03/10. Financial Matters.
●Two cheques had been authorised since the last meeting on approval from the
Parish Councillors via email
1. James Dickinsons for grass cutting £2076.00 chq 100659
2. David Ogilvie for Memorial seat £1212.60 chq 100661

Dee Mc Gowan had been contacted by the Clerk and had subsequently contacted Lycetts on the discrepancy between Barrasford and Gunnerton Playing Fields Insurance. Lycetts had changed their amount to £206.00 instead of the previous amount of £215.80.
As instructed by the Parish Council the Clerk had issued a cheque signed by the Chair and
Cllr Campbell to Dee for the new amount and received back the first cheque.
Cancelled cheque 100656 for £215.80 .New cheque100660 for £206.00
●Annual rent J.Elkington Estates-Gunnerton Playing Field Rent
£125.00 chq 100663
● Annual rent.Northumberland Estates-Barrasford Playing Field Rent
£25.00 chq 100664
● Clerks expenses-3 certificate frames £9.00
Flowers £15.00
Total £24.00 chq 100662

● Came and Co. had sent their copies of the policy for the coming year.
Cllr Pigg would check through these but the Parish Council had signed into this
for 3yrs and there was unlikely to be any issues.
● The Bank reconciliation was given to each member.
The balance at 28th February 2019 was £10833.53
There were two unpresented cheques -Phoebus solutions £55.00
-David Ogilvie £1212.60

The Chair informed members that it had been discussed with all Parish Councillors to raise the Clerk’s wages to £11/hour. Also to issue her yearly with £100.00 towards running the office for the Parish Council from home.
All present were in agreement for this to take effect in the new financial year.
The Clerk felt 3hours a week was working out well.

2019/03/11.Planning Matters.
● Lead Member for planning for April/May 2019 Cllr Dot Pigg

2019/03/12. Information Items.

2019/03/13. Any Other Business.
i. The Last Parish Plan had been brought to the meeting by The Vice Chair
who had also played a major role in putting it together in 2010.
The Chair asked if she thought there would be benefit in putting together
another one bearing in mind, it was not the responsibility of the Parish
Council but was generally led by the public.
Cllr Dover informed the meeting it had taken a lot of time, effort and money
to compile the last Plan with very little return in the way of feedback.
She did not feel there would be anything to be gained in creating a new one
and the last one was still relevant.
The Clerk was asked to minute the fact there was felt to be no advantage in
creating a new one.
ii.The Chair had met with Mrs Davey,Headteacher of Chollerton 1st School .She
had emailed the school newsletter which was available for anyone to read.
iii.The Clerk was asked to write to Clive at Barrasford Village shop to thank
him for his donation and support in the collection of donations.Clive had
allowed pictures of the seat to be displayed in the shop along with a donation
iv.An email had finally been received from Karbon homes re;West Crescent
parking issues. They would send someone to inspect the existing parking
with a view to improving the surface but suggested the Parish Council take
over the issue of creating hard standing on the grass area. The Parish
Council agreed they were not in a financial situation to take this on.
v.NCC were going to send an inspector to view the uneven flags outside East
Acres. It had taken a number of emails before an authority would take
Responsibility in order to inspect them.

2019/03/14. Date and Venue for Next Meeting.
The Next meeting would be on Wednesday 22nd May 2019 at 7.30.p.m.
Barrasford Village Hall which would also be the AGM.
All were reminded of the Dedication for the Memorial Seat on Saturday 30th March 2019 at 10.30 a.m. at Chollerton Church

The Chair presented a bunch of flowers to Cllr Jen Dover (Vice-Chair)
as she was standing down from the Parish Council.
He thanked her on behalf of everyone for her support and dedication.

The meeting closed at 9.15 p.m.

