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Draft Minutes of the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on the 28th November 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Gunnerton Church.




Present: Cllr Edward Heslop (Chair);Cllr Jen Dover (Vice-Chair);Cllr Steven Campbell;

               Cllr Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Maud Jupp.

               County Councillor Rupert Gibson and Liz Atkinson (Clerk).


             Cllr Heslop welcomed everyone to the meeting.

               He welcomed and introduced Mr Philip Egglestone, who was attending the

               meeting with an interest in becoming a Parish Councillor.



2018/11/01.  Apologies for absence.

                      Received from Cllr Pigg and Cllr Charlton.


2018/11/02.  Opportunity for Members of the Public Present at the meeting to Raise


                     There were no members of the public present.


2018/11/03.  Declarations of Interest from Members.

                     There were none declared.


2018/11/04.a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

                     There was to be an amendment in the County Councillors report to read

“Five Lane Ends to Chollerton”.The minutes would be ratified and

signed. Otherwise it was agreed these were an accurate and true record.


2018/11/04.b .Matters Arising.

  • The Chair had been in contact with the residents at Chishillways who

wished to plant shrubs in the play area at the back of the garages.

However the meeting agreed that a letter should be drafted for the

garage owners affected to sign, agreeing to the planting. The Chair and

                     Clerk would draft a letter.

  • There was no evidence that the repairs had been carried out on the roof

of the bus shelter at Barrasford. The Clerk would contact James


  • A map and details of previous gritting in the area had been received from

Highways and was passed round the meeting.

  • The Clerk had contacted Dee McGowan requesting that the cheque sent to

Gunnerton playing field committee be presented to the bank. This had now

been cashed.

  • The meeting was informed the Ed.Dixon from Barrasford Quarry was to retire

In February so would no longer be a point of contact:re cutting grass on the


path. Cllr Dover felt that as there had been a number of changes at the

Quarry, asking for grass cutting would no longer be an option.

different options would have to be considered for the future.

  • As Stu Taylor of Credermedia ,who hosted the Parish Council website was no

longer with the company it had been agreed to move host. More on this further

                   down the agenda.

  • Karbon Homes had contacted the Parish Council re:- the rubbish dumped on

                   the parking area at Gunnerton . A resident had already cleared the rubbish but

Karbon homes had not mentioned the other matter of possibly increasing the

parking facilities in West Crescent. The Clerk would contact them again.


2018/11/05 County Councillor Report.

                   County Cllr Gibson informed the meeting the LTP was looking fairly favourable

for the Parish.

Although work on resurfacing had not been finished this year it was on the list

for the next year.

With regard to the work carried out at Chollerton Viaduct. Black and white poles

had recently been erected and there was still a sign warning of ‘bends ahead’ to

be installed.(since erected).

All Parish Councillors present wished it to be noted that although these

measures were in themselves good to see, there was still felt to be a need for a

hard barrier to be erected higher up from the existing one as a preventative

measure to stop a vehicle going into the river in bad road conditions.

The Chair and County Cllr Gibson were concerned about the number of

accidents recently occurring at Five Lane Ends. The Chair pointed out how well

the most recent accident had been cleared away and asked who would pickup

this bill.

County Cllr.Gibson informed the meeting that another street light had been

upgraded in Barrasford ,opposite the pub . Cllr Tarbit reminded him of the

old one still needing replaced next to the village green in Barrasford which had

been reported by a local resident.



The Chair thanked County Cllr. Gibson for attending the meeting.


2018/11/06. Items for Discussion.

  1. There were no transport issues.
  2. The lighting issue was ongoing.
  3. The bus shelter at Barrasford had not yet been repaired but the Clerk would
  4. Contact James Dickinson for an update.
  5. The Clerk had been given the authority by the Chair and Vice-Chair to contact a new website host due to the issues raised previously.
  6. The Chair welcomed Reverend Sarah Lunn to the meeting.
  7. Her son-in-law runs an IT company which had agreed to take on the website, LimeDesign. This company hosts a lot of local companies and schools.
  8. A lot of interest had been expressed throughout the Parish for a permanent memorial to mark the Centenary Celebrations of the end of the First World War.Provision of a memorial seat.Cllr Heslop felt that although the Parish was possibly a little slow on beginning this, it should be done properly.It had been advertised on the Parish Council website, in The Courant and in the Parish Broadsheet.Approximately £800 to £900 would need to be raised.The Green Rigg fund was thought to be a possible source of funding.Cllr Dover felt it was appropriate for the Parishioners to know the Parish Council would be contributing to the fund.It was agreed to put a donation box in the local shop at Barrasford (,Cllr Tarbit agreed to put this in,) as well as notices on the 4 noticeboards by the Clerk.The Chair suggested moving the Parish Council meetings to the 4th Wednesday of each month. There had always been a problem in getting the Precept in on time and it was awkward for elections. 
  9. The Chair thanked Rev. Lunn for her input and attendance.
  10. This would be publicised on the website and in the next announcement of a meeting in the Courant.
  11. All approved.
  13. It was agreed the cut off point for donations would be a week before the next meeting in order to gauge how much more funding was actually needed.
  14. Rev. Lunn pointed out the Friends of Chollerton Church were specifically there to look after the Church building and the PCC were there on behalf of the Parishioners. It was the PCC who would need to be approached for support.
  15. Donations had already started to come in .The Clerk would keep a list of who had donated and the amounts given. This would be put into the existing Parish Council Bank Account but obviously there would be a record as to what the money was for.
  16. Discussion followed as to what companies to approach and as to how much the Parish Council could contribute.
  17. A public appeal for donations towards this had already been set in motion.
  18. A suggestion had been made to purchase a seat depicting a suitable scene on the back. It would be placed next to the old Hearse House at Chollerton Church gate. The seat already there would be put in the churchyard closer to the Church door. This had already been agreed by the CPCC.
  19. The Chair had met with the W.I. and the Rev. Lunn to discuss the


2018/11/07.    Correspondence.

                     Cllr Heslop read out an email received from a resident in Colwell. They

were concerned about the parking of a large wagon over the weekend

outside their home, slightly on the path.

Cllr Heslop had spoken to the driver concerned and although he had said it

wouldn’t happen again, it had.The wagon had been removed from the

footpath area but then had been parked over the road alongside the rest of

the cars.

Although there is licence for 1HGV at this spot , there is now 2 with a number

of other vehicles parked there as well.

It was agreed that Swinburne Estates be approached and the County Counil

to see what was allowed to be on this land.

Cllr Heslop would contact the resident who had sent the email to inform them

it was in hand.


2018/11/08. Financial Matters.

  • Sports Tynedale had requested a donation and it agreed £100 cq 100652
  • Chollerton Childrens Christmas party had requested a donation and it was

agreed £150 cq 100653

  • The Clerk’s expenses-NO DOGS sign from Hubbucks for £11.20 agreed

cq 100648

  • Clerks Wages –the payslip was circulated and agreed £702 cq 100649
  • LimeDesign(North)Ltd-website hosting for 12mths.£102 agreed

                     cq 100650 VAT can be reclaimed.

  • Phoebus Solutions Ltd-Payroll service £55 agreed cq100651
  • Chollerton PCC Hiring of Gunnerton Church £15 agreed cq100654
  • Hire of Colwell Village Hall from July £20 agreed cq 100655


The Chair and Vice-Chair asked that it be put on the agenda for the next meeting to decide on a wage increase for the Clerk.


  • The Bank reconciliation was distributed to the meeting. The last precept

payment for the year had been received into the Bank of £3875.

Total amount in the bank £13400.73.

  • The final figure requested for the Precept would be discussed at the January

Meeting after which it would be submitted to NCC.

The Vice-Chair suggested £8000 and this was agreed on but this would be

ratified in January.


2018/11/09.Planning Applications.

The amended plans for the land known as The Potts of 10 luxury dwellings

had been refused.

The plans for 26 dwellings above the Scout Centre was not going ahead as

the original plans. Neil Armstrong from NCC had sent a report to the Parish

Council highlighting concerns.



▪ Lead Member for Planning for December 2018/January 2019 Cllr Dover.



2018/11/10. Information Items.


2018/11/11. Any Other Business.

  1. Cllr Tarbit and Cllr Jupp had begun on the Speed watching.

They felt if nothing else it was making motorists slow down when they

spotted them in their Hi-Vis jackets.

  1. Cllr Tarbit informed the meeting that she had started collecting for ‘ECO BRICKS’. It entailed filling plastic bottles with plastic in order to make outdoorThe school had already become involved.
  2. Structures i.e. seats and benches. The Parish Council supported the venture.
  3. There was still concern about overhanging branches on Dalla Bank.
  4. Cllr Heslop would discuss this with the relevant parties.
  5. Cllr Dover asked the Parish Councillors to decide where and when Barrasford Arms on the 16th January 2019 and the Clerk would contact
  6. Victoria Eames to book and discuss menus.
  7. they would like their Christmas meal.It was agreed to have it at The
  8. The Chair expressed his concern at the lack of communication from the He felt strongly that there needed to be a representative from the Parish The Chair would speak to Rev. Lunn, the Headteacher and the Head of
  9. Governors inviting them to a Parish Council Meeting.
  10. Council on the school board.
  11. Governors at Cholleton C of E 1st Sschool.


2018/11/12. Date and Venue for the Next Meeting.

                   The next meeting would be on the fourth Wednesday of the month

                     January 23rd January 2019 in Barrasford Village Hall at 7.30 p.m.



                   The meeting closed at 9.05 p.m.





