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Draft Minutes of the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 26th September 2018 at 7.30.p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall.


Present: Cllr Edward Heslop (Chair); Cllr Steven Campbell; Cllr Fiona Charlton;

               Cllr Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Dorothy Pigg; Cllr Maud Jupp;

               County Councillor Rupert Gibson and Liz Atkinson (Clerk)  


                 Cllr Heslop welcomed everyone to the meeting.


2018/09/1. Apologies for absence.

                 Received from Cllr Dover (Vice-Chair).


2018/09/2. Opportunity for Members of the Public Present at the meeting to Raise


                 There were no members of the public present.


2018/09/3. Declarations of Interest from Members.

                   None declared.


2018/09/4. a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.

                   All agreed these were an accurate and true record and were signed and

dated by Cllr Heslop.


2018/09/4.b. Matters Arising.

  • The Clerk had contacted the agent for Chipchase Estates, James Reynolds

of Savills in Corbridge. He had investigated the ownership of the bridge on

the footpath at ‘Money Hill, Gunnerton’.

As far as he was aware the bridge was not part of a public footpath but he

was awaiting confirmation from Tim Fish of Northumberland County

Council. The Parish Council would wait for a reply from James Reynolds.

County Cllr Gibson felt this would come under the jurisdiction of David

Brookes but that if it was not a public footpath the County Council would

have no responsibility for it.

  • The Clerk has emailed Karbon Homes identifying the need for more

suitable parking for residents at West Crescent , Gunnerton and asked for

the present parking area to be tidied up. She was still awaiting a reply

despite chasing this up.

  • Cllr Dover had obtained two quotes for repairing the bus shelter roof at

Barrasford. –James Dickinson £294.00

_D.Reay               £354.00

The Clerk would contact James Dickinson and ask him to go ahead with

the repairs.

  • The Clerk has advertised the Parish Councillor Vacancy but as yet had

not been approached by anyone interested. Cllr Heslop hoped two people

who had spoken to him might be interested, but time would tell.

  • Cllr Heslop proposed that a value of £1000.00 be put down for the play area at

                 Chishillwayas. This was agreed.

  • Cllr Heslop had spoken to the tenant Selby North-Lewis –who agreed to trim

the branches when he was hedge cutting. The Chair would also request trimming

at the T junction at the top of Dalla Bank.

  • Cllr Heslop had emailed his suggestions for the Local Plan to all the

Parish Councillors and as no one had disagreed with this he had submitted

them before the meeting as they were due in before 30th Sept.

  • Cllr Heslop asked County Cllr Gibson to push the signage promised for the

bends at Chollerton Viaduct in the Transport Plan. He agreed to do this.

  • The Clerk had contacted Stu Taylor of Crederemedia in regard to

updating the website. There had been some delay in responding but Stu Taylor

had agreed to do this.

  • The Clerk had reminded Highways of the need for road-markings beside

the 30mph signs on entering Gunnerton. A reply had been received asking if

2 or 3 were needed and that they would be put on the’ to do’ list.

  • The traffic calming signs seemed to be a success through Colwell, with the

majority of traffic adhering to the speed limit.

  • Although a number of emails had been sent to Karbon Homes asking for the

pruning of the cherry tree outside 34 East Acres in Barrasford, nothing had been

done. This would be chased up by The Clerk.

  • The Clerk had emailed both Nigel Orrick and Charles McGowan, as instructed,

with regard to them organising their own equipment inspection by ROSPA for

Gunnerton Playing Field. As she had had no reply, she had spoken to Dee

McGowan to ensure the emails had been received. She also asked that the

cheque delivered to the McGowans’ of £136( for the insurance cover and the wall

repair )be presented to the bank asap. Dee McGowan would chase this up.


2018/09/5. County Councillor Report.

                 County Cllr Gibson informed the meeting that the ‘tar and chipping’

for the road surfacing had now come to an end for the year.

Unfortunately road surfacing which was in the plan had not been completed and

roads like ‘Middle Farm roadend to Chollerton’, which were desperately in need

of attention had been missed again.

County Cllr Gibson assured the meeting that the signs for the viaduct at

Chollerton would be in place in due course.

County Cllr Gibson informed the meeting of the need to replace a street light pole

which was positioned in a hedge on the roadside opposite the Barrasford Arms.

This was actually maintained by the gardener for the owners of The Manor


Cllr Heslop asked County Cllr Gibson to make Highways aware of the need to

plough the road between Middle Farm and Chollerton in severe snowy weather

conditions.It was evident this had not been done in the last snow storm.

The Clerk would also contact Highways on this point.


The Chair thanked County Cllr Gibson for attending the meeting.


2018/09/6.Items for Discussion.

  1. There were no transport items.
  2. Concern was expressed over the number of collisions occurring on Brunton
  3. Crossroads.
  4. Maintenance-grass cutting on path between Barrasford Garage and The Quarry.

A letter had been received from a resident in the Parish asking if this grass could be cut again as it was becoming overgrown.

Cllr Heslop had contacted Barrasford Quarry but had not received a reply.

The Clerk would ask James Dickinson if he could do this as a one off and then

it would have to be decided in the future what was to be done to maintain it.

  1. The website had already been covered.


2018/09/7. Correspondence.

                 ▪Cllr Heslop quickly went through a letter from NALC which had been

emailed to the rest of the Parish Councillors.

▪ A letter had been received from Elissa Patterson asking if some of the residents

within Chishillways development could plant some climbing plants on the wall in

the play area on the back of the garages and on the end of the garages.

Cllr Heslop would contact the lady who wrote the letter as there was some

concern that any plants in the play area would not work when children were

playing ball games etc.

▪A letter had also been received from a resident concerned by the use of the

same play area by local residents to exercise their dogs.

It was agreed by all the Parish Councillors this was not acceptable and The

                 Clerk would purchase and erect a sign saying ‘NO DOGS’.

▪Cllr Dover had suggested the purchase and erection of a ‘Silent Soldier’ such

as the one standing on the roadside beside the sign for Corbridge in

remembrance of those who gave their lives in the Two World Wars. The Clerk

had contacted Corbridge Parish Council and this had been obtained from

The Royal British Legion, with a donation given.

Cllr Heslop said he had also looked into the possibility of a seat such as the one

at Humshaugh.

After some discussion it was felt that due to the layout of the Parish, a safe ,

suitable location may be difficult to find. The Chair would speak to Cllr Dover.

The Memorial Issue would be on the agenda for November.

▪Northumberland County Council had sent an email which it was felt The Clerk

should put on the website. It held a link to a consultation with regard to the

County Council reducing the level of council tax support for working age

Claimants in Northumberland.


2018/09/8. Financial Matters.

i)The Bank Reconciliation was circulated to the meeting.

All cheques had been presented and the balance at 29.9.2018 was £9551.73

                 ii)The Clerk explained with the new Auditors a Certificate was not given as

Chollerton Parish Council were exempt.

She asked that the Accounts for 2017-2018 now be formally adopted. This was

agreed by all and The Chair signed and dated the Accounts.

iii)The Clerk presented expenses for ink purchased of £26.00.cheque 100647




Application number 18/02931/LBC

Mrs Torday Listed Building Consent-these had been circulated before the

Meeting. No Objections.


  • Lead Member for Planning for October/November 2018-Cllr Campbell.


2018/09/10. Information Items.



2018/09/11. Any Other Business.

                   Cllr Jupp and Cllr Tarbit were to begin their Speed Watch Training.

They had already had quite an in-depth interview and induction and

hoped to be in training soon.

Cllr Pigg informed the meeting of tree felling which was to begin soon above

the Pumping Station and Football Pitch at Barrasford.

As soon as she knew the date she would let the Clerk know so local residents

could be made aware. The area in question was well used by dog walkers who,

(for safety’s sake if nothing else) would not be able to walk there.


2018/09/12. Date and Venue for Next Meeting.


                   The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 28th November 2018 at

                             7.30 p.m. in Gunnerton Church.


The meeting closed at 8.35 p.m.







