Draft minutes of the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 25th July 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Colwell Village Hall.
Present: Cllr Edward Heslop (Chair); Cllr Jen Dover (Vice-Chair); Cllr Maggie Tarbit;
Cllr Fiona Charlton; Cllr Dorothy Pigg; Cllr Maud Jupp;
County Councillor Rupert Gibson and Liz Atkinson (Clerk).Member of the
Public-Mr Alan Wright.
2018/07/1. Apologies for absence.
received from Cllr Steven Campbell.
2018/07/2. Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the meeting to Raise
Cllr Heslop welcomed at this point Mr Alan Wright, a resident of Gunnerton,
and the agenda moved to item 7i)Footpath at Gunnerton.
Mr Wright distributed a map of the area in question to the meeting.
He was concerned about the state of disrepair on the footpath at ‘Money
Hill’ and more specifically the bridge over the burn on this path.
Although this path and bridge are well used, especially by local residents, it is
very dangerous.
Cllr Heslop has visited the bridge and agreed.
Mr Wright wished it noted in the minutes that by drawing attention to this matter
he felt he was laying the responsibility on the Parish Council.
It was recognised by the Parish Council that this footpath was owned by
Chipchase Estates and as such was the responsibility of the Landowner . The
Clerk would contact James Reynolds of Savills and report the state of the bridge
to him.
Cllr Heslop asked County Cllr Gibson to arrange a site visit with Mr Tim Fish, the
Countryside Officer, and to ask him to look for any relevant papers concerning
any repairs of the Bridge and footpath undertaken by the County Council.
Cllr Dover informed the meeting past repairs had been undertaken many years
ago by Rangers.
All agreed the exact route of the path needed to be made clear to walkers.
2018/07/3. Declarations of Interest from Members.
2018/07/4a. Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
All agreed these were an accurate and true record and were signed and
dated by Cllr Heslop.
Cllr Heslop informed the meeting Cllr Lee Buckingham had decided to resign
from the Parish Council. Increase in his workload, along with an upcoming
inspection meant that he felt he could no longer give the time needed to the
Parish Council. Cllr Heslop thanked him for his work and time on behalf of the
Parish Council.
The Clerk would arrange the necessary advertising for a new Parish Councillor.
2018/07/4b. Matters arising.
▪ A number of SLOW and speed signs had been renewed in the Parish.
However the requested new 30mph painted signs approaching either
side of Gunnerton had not materialised. The Clerk would chase this up again.
Cllr Dover had not heard from Northumbria Water in regard to them supplying
‘SLOW CHILDREN PLAYING’ signs at the top end of Gunnerton on the
approach from the water Works.
▪ Some resurfacing work was ongoing and many of the grass verges had been
▪ Cllr Dover will contact James Dickinson for an update on the bus shelter roof
The Clerk had painted over the graffiti on the walls of the bus shelter.
▪ Cllr Heslop reported the Quarry Liaison meeting had been very successful with
a reasonable turnout. Although the Quarry had agreed to cut the footpath
between the Quarry gates and Grieves’ garage, as yet it did not appear to
have been done. However this may be due to the extremely hot weather we
had experienced recently, delaying any scheduled cutting.
▪ Cllr Jupp had been in touch with PC Davison and her involvement in the Speed
Awareness Campaign was ongoing.
▪County Cllr Gibson handed out maps of the Parish which outlined all new
It marked from Jupp engineering gateway to be 30mph, then from their
house driveway to be 20mph.This continued right through the village to
Grieves’ garage where it would change to 30mph.At the Ellwood entrance
it would change to the national speed limit. All the way up Station Road would
be 20mph.
▪ County Cllr Gibson assured the Clerk and the Parish Council that signing
a form to agree as to how to be contacted was all that was needed as yet for
▪ The new litter bin had been installed at Gunnerton Playing Field.
▪ A letter of appreciation for the Parish Councils support had been received from
the Chair of the PTA, Mrs Judith Ridley in reply to a letter sent by The Clerk on
behalf of the Parish Council.
Unfortunately the Chair of the Governors had still not replied.
Cllr Heslop felt the Parish Council needed an ongoing involvement which might
be helped if there was a member from the Parish Council on the Board of
▪ A letter of thanks had been received from Mr Parbery for the wine he received
as a thank you from the Parish Council for carrying out the Internal Audit. He
would be willing to carry this out again for the next year.
▪ Cllr Pigg agreed to look into the value of the land now owned by the Parish
Council at Chishillways as Assets for the next audit.
The Clerk had informed Came and Co. of this land and the 4 noticeboards and
Bus shelters which were the responsibility of the Parish Council for insurance
2018/07/5. County Councillor Report.
Cllr Dover asked if Nigel Orrick had been in contact with County Cllr
Gibson. Although he had been in touch, C.Cllr Gibson informed the meeting,
there was no longer a group of playgrounds to be inspected by ROSPA. They
had disbanded and each must contact ROSPA independently.
The Clerk would inform Nigel Orrick and Cllr Campbell about this.
C.Cllr Gibson asked the meeting to identify what needed to be included on the
Local Transport Plan which he would be submitting. Once again he was asked to
include the need for a barrier at the Viaduct at Chollerton-he agreed to do this.
The Chair thanked County Cllr Gibson for attending the meeting.
2018/07/6. Items for Discussion.
Cllr Heslop had been informed by a resident in Barrasford that the ‘Request Bus’ had not shown up on Saturday, leaving the resident with no option but to phone for a taxi. Luckily this matter was resolved with the taxi fare being refunded to the resident in question.
- Highways.
Phase 2 of the resurfacing is underway-from Fell House to 5 Lane Ends.
Cllr Heslop asked The Clerk to write to the three local quarries and to Egger.
The lorries from these respective companies seemed to have responded well
to the new 30mph restriction through Colwell. He hoped they would
emphasise the reason behind it.
An excellent job had been made of clearing the Storm Drains on the day of the
- Mainteance.
Cllr Heslop agreed to find out who was responsible for the overhanging
bushes on Dalla Bank .
The Clerk would contact Karbon Homes to ask for the Cherry Tree outside 34
East Acres to be cut back.
Cllr Buckingham had mentioned the sign at Well House, indicating the speed
travelled by vehicles entering the village from the Wark road. As the whole
speed limit was to be revised this would need to be removed by County.
- Website
The Clerk asked the permission of the Parish Councillors to contact
Crederemedia in the hope of making it more user friendly. This was
i.The footpath at Gunnerton had been dealt with earlier.
- Cllr Heslop decided to take the considerable correspondence received on
Northumberland Local Plan home.
It was agreed to put the Local Transport Plan Programme 2019-2020 on
the Agenda for the next meeting as a reply needed to be in by 30th
September 2018.
2018/07/8. Financial Matters.
- The VAT had been refunded and was in the bank-£665.42
- Necessary notification had been published for Public Viewing of Parish Council Accounts.
- The Bank Reconciliation was circulated to all Parish Councillors-One unpresented cheque-100641 £136.00 Gunnerton Playing Field Comm.
- Balance as at 29th June 2018 £9687.73
2018/07/9. Planning.
A retrospective planning application had been received from Mr James Foresey, Mill Cottage Swinburn Application no. 18/02397/FUL.No Objections.
An outline permission was submitted for 26 dwellings and access road at Land North East of the Scout Centre,The Greem Mile,Barrasford. This was circulated before the meeting as observations were to be returned by 16th July. The Parish Council Supported the application.Ref 18/02109/OUT.
An amended plan for construction of ten private dwelling houses with detached double garages. Land South West of Chollerton First School, Station Road Ref 18/02467/FUL. The Parish Council- Supported this application but asked for four concerns they had to be noted.
- Has research been done to ascertain that these are the right kind of houses for the area.
- Affordable housing was included in the last applications for this site-who actually decides what is affordable housing for a particular area.
- The pond and its maintenance are a concern.
- The site entrance is going to make a crossroads on a road not suitable for such a thing.●Lead Member for Planning for August/September is Cllr Pigg.
2018/07/10.Information Items.
Cllr Heslop had attended a meeting on the Planning for Future Local Development Plan.
2018/07/11. Any Other Business.
Cllr Dover wished the car parking at West Crescent , Gunnerton to be brought to the attention of the meeting.
At present the only actual off-street parking is at the bottom where rubbish gets dumped and there isn’t enough space for all residents with cars to park if they wanted to. This results in parking down the side of the street and sometimes on the large expanse of grass.
Would it be possible to approach Karbon Homes to see if they could come up with a solution-possibly change some of the grass area into marked car spaces.
The Parish Council felt the Clerk should contact Karbon Homes with these concerns and also ask how they hope to improve the availability of suitable affordable housing for local people.
2018/07/12. Date and Venue for Next Meeting.
The date of the next meeting is Wednesday 26th September 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall.
The meeting closed at 9.45 p.m.
Signed……………………………………… Chair
Date …………………………………………………