Draft minutes of the Annual Meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on 29th May 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall.
Present: Cllr Edward Heslop(Chairman); Cllr Jen Dover(Vice Chairman);
Cllr Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Fiona Charlton; Cllr Lee Buckingham;
Cllr Dorothy Pigg. Liz Atkinson(Clerk)
2018/05/1. Apologies for absence
were received from Cllr Steven Campbell, Cllr Maud Jupp and County Cllr Rupert
2018/05/2. Election of Chairman.
Cllr Dover proposed Cllr Heslop and this was seconded by Cllr Buckingham. All members were in favour and Cllr Heslop agreed to stand again as Chairman.
2018/05/3. Membership.
Cllr Edward Heslop; Cllr Jen Dover; Cllr Lee Buckingham; Cllr Fiona Charlton; Cllr Maud Jupp; Cllr Steven Campbell; Cllr Maggie Tarbit; Cllr Dorothy Pigg.
2018/05/4 Election of Vice Chairman.
Cllr Heslop proposed Cllr Dover and this was seconded by Cllr Charlton.
All members were in favour and Cllr Dover agreed to stand again.
Cllr Dover wished for it to be noted that it would be her last year to stand as Vice Chairman and that she felt it was time for someone else to take over.
2018/05/5 Opportunity for Members of the Public present at the meeting to Raise Matters. None were raised.
2018/05/6 Declaration of Interest from Members.
Cllr Buckingham declared an interest as an employee of NCC
Cllr Dorothy Pigg declared an interest with regard to Insurance issues
Cllr Heslop declared an interest in a PREAPP as a neighbour/friend
2018/05/7 Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
All agreed these were an accurate and true record and were signed and dated by Cllr Heslop.
2018/05/8 Matters arising.
- Cllr Heslop and Cllr Dover had inspected the War Memorial at Chollerton and felt it was structurally sound but did need cleaning. It had been clarified that it was under the care of the Parish Council.
The Clerk had written to Peter Barrett from the Community Foundation asking for financial support to clean it, as instructed. Mr Barrett informed her that this would not be considered until October 2018 now but that as the two estimates received, differed widely, another estimate might need to be sought .
Cllr Heslop felt this might be the time to take stock and see if money could be raised another way.
- The drain under the tree close to the shop at Barrasford had been successfully dug out by NCC Highways .A thorough and tidy job had been done and now all that was needed was a good downpour to see if the problem was fixed.
- The Clerk had contacted Glasdon to see if they could provide a ‘SLOW CHILDREN PLAYING’ sign which was needed for Gunnerton. They could not but the Clerk had also contacted Hubbucks in Hexham who had provided quotes.
Cllr Dover has emailed Northumbria Water after the public meeting at Gunnerton Church and is awaiting a response from them as to whether they could supply a sign. The Clerk was asked to wait until they had responded before taking any action.
- Cllr Dover had approached James Dickinson who was willing to take over the handyman position. He would check the roof of Barrasford Bus Shelter.
- Although a Parishioner had offered to paint over the graffiti in the bus shelter at Barrasford, it had not as yet been done so the Clerk agreed to do this.
- Cllr Dover would contact Dave Hunt to find out permission needed for Chollerton WI to plant some trees.
- Cllr Dover would also contact Ed Dixon from the Quarry. The Clerk and Chairman had both, unsuccessfully, tried to email him with regard to the possible cutting of the grass from the quarry entrance to Grieves’ garage. The matter had been raised by Parish Councillors’ at the previous meeting and since by a member of the Parish.
Cllr Heslop suggested that perhaps this should be taken on by the Parish Council if nothing came of contacting the Quarry.
- Cllr Heslop informed the members of the public at the meeting of the Quarry Liaison meeting held at the Quarry, usually sometime in June, where anyone attending is shown round and can raise any issues they may have.
The meeting then moved on to item 10c Items for Discussion-Playing Fields as Charles McGowan and Nigel Orrick had come specifically for this.
Repairs had been done to the boundary wall of Gunnerton Playing Field and the paid bill had been given to the Parish Council. The Parish Council agreed to pay this-£120 as well as the shortfall on the payment of the insurance for the equipment of £16. Cheque no-100641 .
Nigel Orrick asked what was happening about the Risk Assessments for the playing fields. It had been previously mentioned that they would be done as a group but Gunnertons’ had been done separately (last year) from the others and would soon be out of date.
Cllr Heslop would send Nigel- County Cllr Rupert Gibson’s email as he was the man who was going to organise this.
Charles and Nigel were asked to contact James Feeley with regard to the litter bin purchased by the Parish Council for Gunnerton playing Field. This had been delivered a while ago but was not in position as yet. They agreed to speak to him.
Cllr Heslop thanked them for attending.
2018/05/9 County Councillor Report.
As County Cllr Gibson was unable to attend he had sent his report to Cllr Heslop.
The report stated that the School Consultation Document had been badly written but had created a great debate with overall a good outcome.
Although the report informed the Parish Council of the speed calming measures to be introduced Cllr Heslop felt these were not enough and that a letter should be written to NCC County Councillor Glen Sanderson and Neil Snowdon.It was felt by all at the meeting that the 20mph signage should be increased on either side of Barrasford village as well as up Station Road.
Older school children are transferred to other transport at the bus stops in the middle of the main road running through the village creating as big a worry as the young childrens’ safety at the first school. This is surely a good case to complete this job.
Speed calming will be carried out under the railway bridge by the Erring Burn next to Chollerton as well as at Colwell.
Surface dressing from 5 lane ends to Chollerton is to be reinstated.
Cllr Buckingham asked if Cllr Gibson could provide the Parish Council with a New Structure Chart-Cllr Heslop and The Clerk would discuss this with him.
2018/05/10 Items for Discussion
- Transport-Cllr Buckingham reminded the meeting that free school transport had been reinstated which was excellent news especially within our rural community.
- Highways. The Clerk would contact highways to ask for the resurfacing of the road from the top of Dalla Bank up to Edge House and beyond.
- Also the verges were desperately need cutting back for the safety of all road users.
- Playing Fields-Covered previously. Cllr Heslop felt it should be noted – Barrasford Playing Field Committee had not asked for the £16 shortfall in the Insurance payment.
- Maintenance-James Dickinson was to look at the bus shelter roof at Barrasford.
- Data Protection. The Clerk informed the meeting that she had had numerous emails from Stephen Rickett with regard to Data Protection. At first it seemed there would need to be a Data Protection Officer in each Parish Council but that it could not be the Clerk. This is now felt to be unnecessary. A fee had been discussed but nothing decided on as yet. The Clerk asked if all Parish Councillors would sign and date a form she had prepared to verify their email addresses to be used as appoint of contact by the Parish Council. All agreed to do this.
- Cllr Buckingham would try to get a hard copy for the Parish Council of the Data Protection document.
- Chollerton First SchoolCllr Buckingham said that STARS which had a very active role in the campaign are now ‘Support Tynedale Amazing Schools’ and have a link to Cllr Wayne Daley. They also have an Instagram group and meet regularly.The Clerk would contact Kelly Adshead to find out the name of the Chairman of the PTA.
- Cllr Heslop felt a formal letter should be sent to the Chairman of the Governors, James Ellison and the Chairman of the PTA to ask they keep the contact up with the Parish Council.
- Cllr Heslop felt the Parish Council had played an influential role in supporting the First School.He had spoken to the Chairman of the School Governors and expressed AAthe wish that the Parish Council is included more in the future plans and concerns of the school. He felt strongly that now these links had been forged they needed to be maintained.
2018/05/11 Financial Matters.
- Annual Governance review.
- This was read through by Cllr Heslop and completed with the approval of the rest of the Parish Councillors. The Chairman signed and dated this.
- Statement of Accounts 2017-2018
- Approved and signed
- Internal Audit.He had done a thorough job and it was approved by the mmeting.
- Cllr Heslop would send a letter of thanks and ask if he would be prepared to do this again for the next year. Cllr Tarbit would liaise with the Clerk to give an appropriate gift of appreciation.
- This had been undertaken by a resident of the Parish Mr Roger Parbery.
- Bank account signatories.
- These would remain the same-Cllr Steven Campbell, Cllr Maud Jupp, Cllr Jen Dover and Cllr Edward Heslop.
- To confirm and approve the certificate of exemption
- This was duly approved and signed.
- The bank balance stood at £10,432.96 as at 29th April 2018.
- Accounts to be authorised and paid.ii. Barrasford Village Hall –hire £65.00 cheque no.-100642iv Came and Co.Insurance renewal £450.31 cheque no.-100643vi NALC subs £163.34 cheque no.-100645
- v Gunnerton Playing Field Committee £136.00 cheque no.-100641
- iii Parish Clerk expenses-Ink/dividers £30.00 cheque no.-100646
- i.Parish Clerks Salary-E Atkinson £702.00 cheque no.-100644
2018/05/12 Correspondence
A question had been received Caris Robson which was handed to the Chairman for completion.
They had also sent a copy of the Land Registry Deed for Chishillways to be retained by the Parish Council.
The Clerk asked if anyone could advise her on whether Chishillways would now be counted as an asset for the next audit. Everyone would enquire as to who could advise the Parish Council on this.
The Clerk would speak to Stephen Rickett at NALC to see how the value of this land could be worked out.
Cllr Pigg would check the insurance implications on this too.
The Clerk would mention it to Came and Co. and also the issue of the bus shelters.
A letter had been received from NCC titled Love Northumberland Awards-the Clerk would put it on the noticeboards.
2018/05/13 Planning
Permission had been granted for the landscaping at Colwell Industrial Workshop.
Lead Member of planning for June/July 2018 is Cllr Tarbit
2018/05/14 Information Items.None
2018/05/15 Any Other Business
Cllr Tarbit informed the meeting that PC Lee Davison had hopefully two candidates to train for the Speedwatch cameras so he was hoping to get this up and running soon.
Cllr Buckingham asked that Cllr Glen Sanderson be thanked for his involvement in the installing of the requested street light. Cllr Heslop informed the meeting he had already done so.
Cllr Buckingham reminded the meeting of the upcoming BBQ on the 7th July at the school to celebrate the success of the campaign.
Also he had been contacted by the gentleman servicing the defibrillator and this had been carried out with no charge this time to the Parish Council.
Cllr Dover asked that the Clerk contact Highways and request for SLOW signs to be marked on the roads beside the 30mph signs on the approaches to Gunnerton .Unlike other villages and towns, Gunnerton has no SLOW signs on the road to reinforce the designated speed.
2018/05/16. Date and Venue for Next Meeting.
Wednesday 25th July 2018 at 7.30 p.m. in Colwell Village Hall
The meeting closed at 9.25p.m.