Draft Minutes of the meeting of Chollerton Parish Council held on Wednesday 24th January 2018 at 7.30p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall.
Present : Cllr Edward Heslop (Chairman);Cllr Jennifer Dover(Vice Chairman);
Cllr Steven Campbell; Cllr Maud Jupp; Cllr Maggie Tarbit;
Cllr Lee Buckingham; Cllr Dorothy Pigg; Cllr Fiona Charlton;
Cllr Rupert Gibson(Northumberland County Council)Liz Atkinson(Clerk).
2018-01/1 There were no apologies for absence.
However Cllr Rupert Gibson apologised that he may be late.
2018-01/2 Opportunities for Members of the Public present at the meeting to Raise Matters.
The Chairman welcomed Geraldine Tate,Malcolm Johnson and Edward Milligan. Gordon Robson had also been asked to come to the meeting but was unwell.
Edward Milligan asked if the Parish Council could contact NCC in order to have the SLOW signs repainted on the Barrasford to Wark road at the Gunnerton junction. They had worn away but were needed to warn motorists of the junction ahead. The Clerk would contact the Highways dept.
The Chairman wished to thank Malcolm Johnson, Edward Milligan and Gordon Robson for all they had done over the years for their community.
Last year the Parish Council had nominated these three men for a Local Heroes award which was run by the NCC but it no longer existed. The Parish Councillors had decided to
give each one a plaque in recognition and appreciation for all they had done. He felt this kind of community spirits is needed more and more and should be encouraged.
Malcolm and Edward thanked the Parish Council for the plaques and said they were proud to receive them. The Clerk would deliver Gordon Robson’s to him.
2018-01/3 Declarations of Interest from Members.
Cllr Buckingham, Cllr Campbell and Cllr Dover declared interests.
2018-01/4a Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
All agreed these were an accurate and true record and were signed by Cllr Heslop.
The meeting then moved on the 6f on the agenda as Geraldine Tate, Treasurer of Barrasford Play Area had another engagement.
Cllr Pigg had identified a number of discrepancies when she checked through the Insurance cover held on both Barrasford and Gunneton Playing Fields and the Equipment used on these areas.
At the moment the Parish Council are covered for Public Liability for the actual playing fields but not the equipment. This equipment is owned by the committees of each playing field and can not therefore be insured by the Parish Council.
Discussion followed on costs and how the cost could be met by each committee.
Possible sources of funding and grants were given.
Geraldine asked if there was a possibility that the Parish Council could help with this cost if each Playing Field Committee looked into acquiring their individual insurance for their own equipment.
Cllr Heslop felt there would be the possibility of funding from previous sources and asked Cllr Pigg to help the two committees work out the insurance cover needed.
A decision on the amount the Parish Council could give financially would be discussed later on in the meeting. Gunnerton Playing Field committee would be given all the information required as they had not sent a representative to the meeting.
There would still be the Annual Inspection of the Equipment and the areas carried out, with the bill for this inspection being divided between a number of Play areas in the Parish.
2018-01/4b Matters Arising
▪The Clerk had spoken several companies, once again, with regard to the best way of eradicating Japanese Knotweed. It was agreed by the Parish Councillors to review this again in a few months’ time.
▪The Clerk had received an email from Lynsey Sawyer at the Lighting Dept at NCC with a quote for £2500 to mount a light on the existing pole overlooking the two elderly persons’ bungalows. NCC expected the Parish Council to pay for this as it is considered extra lighting.
Cllr Buckingham would supply the Clerk with some relevant statistics to give back to Lynsey as it was felt this was an excessive amount for something which was a necessity on a number of levels.
It was agreed by all the Parish Councillors that Cllr Gibson be urged to follow this up.
▪A quote of £104.27 excluding VAT had been received from Glasdon to provide a suitably sized bin for Gunnerton Playing Field. It was agreed to go ahead with this but the Clerk would contact Glasdon again to get the exact price and to see how payment could be made.
▪A Specialist Company had given advice and possibly site visit costing for the cleaning of the War Memorial at Chollerton. It was decided a site visit was not needed but that recently taken photos of the Memorial would be sent to the company to see what could be done.
Cllr Campbell also suggested contacting Gary Simpson of Heritage Consolidation as he might have advice and contacts. The Clerk would contact him and Northumberland Estates to see what they could suggest as the Duke would surely be interested in the Memorial.
The Clerk would also inform the Insurers that it was felt the Memorial was undervalued and should be insured for £30,000.
The Clerk and Cllr Dover had decided against filling in a pre-grant form on the war Memorial as there was no access to in-depth information needed to complete it.
▪The Clerk had spoken to Stewart Matthews with regard to repairing the Barrasford bus shelter roof. When asked about his own insurance he said he had none. If he is to continue doing odd jobs for the Parish Council he would need to be covered .Cllr Dover would contact him and discuss this.
▪ The Clerk had spoken to NCC Planning Dept and had been assured they had received no alternate plans for the Housing Development proposed at Barrasford. If they did receive any alterations, the Parish Council would be sent a copy to look through.
▪The Clerk had contacted Ed Dixon at Barrasford Quarry re: the number of vehicles and speed of traffic going through Barrasford, especially at school bus time. Ed assured the Parish Council he wanted to continue with the good relationship the quarry and village had and would address this concern.
▪The Clerk had spoken to PC Lee Davison soon after the last meeting .He assured her that it was lack of applicants which was holding up the process not the police. At that time there was only one applicant and training would not be given to just one person.
The Clerk would design notices to go on the Parish Noticeboards ,put something on Facebook and see different ways anyone interested ,could access the application process.
2018-01/5 County Councillor Report.
As Cllr Gibson had not arrived yet, Cllr Heslop read his emailed report to the meeting.
There had been a site visit scheduled for the Viaduct at Chollerton to discuss the safety issues raised there. Cllr Gibson informed the meeting by email that this site visit had never taken place. It was agreed that the Chairman and Vice Chairman must be included in any future site meetings.
Cllr Heslop and the Clerk had found an email sent to the Parish Council by NCC stating that at that moment in time there was no justification in extending the safety barrier.
It was felt that this was no further forward but must not be left as it was as the next time there was an accident at the Viaduct someone might not be so lucky,
Cllr Gibson joined the meeting at 8.25p.m.and was updated on the matters raised at the meeting so far.
Cllr Gibson at County Hall today and with regard to the Viaduct, had been told that signs would be considered rather than an extension to the crash barrier. Parish Councillors were concerned as to the reasoning behind this and Cllr Gibson said that a reasonable assumption was because of the cost. He informed the meeting the man dealing with this was Neil Snowdon from the Highways dept. and he would be meeting him again next Wednesday.
Cllr Heslop felt that action needed to be taken now as it was months down the line from the Parish Council first making NCC aware of everyone’s concerns for this piece of road. It is frustrating as to the lack of appropriate action and the electorate want to know what is going to be done. He reminded everyone that the last accident could have been so much worse if the river had been higher.
Cllr Gibson mentioned the wires placed on the road at Gunnerton to monitor traffic. He did not know why they had been put in the wrong place or what was happening with them now.
Cllr Heslop reminded Cllr Gibson about the lighting needed outside the elderly residents’ bungalows. Cllr Pigg wondered why this can not be done at the same time as the LED upgrade as it would make sense when the equipment is already there.
It was felt by all at the meeting that Cllr Gibson needed to pursue these two issues as a matter of urgency
Cllr Gibson stated that he had just heard of this and did not get minutes of the meetings-the Clerk would check.
The Clerk would also contact Karbon Homes to see if they could help with this either to push the County Council into action or to install something themselves.
2018-01/6 Items for Discussion
- Transport.
- Cllr Heslop said a bus comes to Colwell on Saturday morning and no one seems to use it. It is understandable that public transport is being cut back.
- HighwaysThe Clerk would contact Highways dept:ii. the drain on the road below the Barrasford Arms needs some attention as the water pours down the road rather than down the drain.
- iii. a large hole is developing on the A68 south of Beukley Bank at Grottington Farm Road end .
- i. the road surface on Dalla Bank was becoming dangerous, pulling vehicles against the camber.
- Glen Sanderson of the Highways dept had been contacted by the Clerk re the blocked gully under the chestnut tree near Barrasford Village shop. He had replied this would be dealt with immediately and had sent subsequent reports to the Clerk and Chairman. A camera had been put into the drain exposing more problems than just leaves (possible tree roots).The next date for the work was 29th January.
- Playing fields inspection reportsThere was no report from Gunnerton.It was suggested by Cllr Dover that the Parish Council give each Playing field committee 50% of the amount needed for the Insurance cover. Geraldine Tate had informed the meeting she had been quoted £380.Two cheques for £190 each would be signed at the end of the meeting. Cllr Dover agreed to handover the one for Gunnerton providing Gunnerton Playing Field Committee decide to go ahead with Insurance cover. If they do not the play area will have to be closed until the equipment is removed. A meeting with the committee is to be arranged urgently.The Clerk would take the one for Barrasford to Geraldine Tate.
- This was seconded by Cllr Pigg. Cheques no 100633 and 100634
- Cllr Dover and Cllr Heslop would arrange a meeting with Nigel Orrick to discuss Gunnerton Playing Field.
- Cllr Campbell submitted his report for Barrasford Playing Field which was duly signed by Cllr Heslop.
- Maintenance.ii.Cllr Tarbit had been asked by some members of the public who was responsible for cleaning road signs and for clearing undergrowth round them.
- Cllr Heslop felt it was important to encourage anyone willing to take on tasks such as these as NCC did not have the manpower.
- i..The bus shelter at Barrasford Park was water tight at the moment but the roof needed refelting. This would be put on hold until the Handyman’s Insurance had been sorted out.
- Website
- The Clerk had asked Stu Taylor from Credere media to tidy up the website as information which she put on was not always in the right area. He agreed to check it out and reorganise it. The Clerk asked that the Parish Councillors make the public aware of this if they had concerns over the layout.
- Insurance cover –already covered earlier in the meeting.
2018-01/7 Correspondence
An email had been circulated to the Parish Councillors before the meeting on
Brain Tumour Research.
A letter had been received from Chollerton W.I.to ask for support towards the cost of Northumberland WI Centenary project. They had decided to buy and plant bulbs in the villages of the Parish. A Bingo night on the 13th Feb in Barrasford Village Hall had been arranged to raise more funds. The Parish Council decided to give a donation of £100 towards a prize. Cllr Dover would take the cheque to Pauline Patrick, secretary of Chollerton W.I. cheque no:100635
2018-01/8 Financial Matters
- i.Cheque signed for £2040.00 James Dickinson grass cutting no.100632ii.Cheque signed for £102.00 Credere –website Annual hosting and domain name registration no. 100631.To be delivered by the Clerk
- To be delivered by Cllr Dover.
b..External Auditor.
The Clerk had received the name of the new auditor-pkf-Littlejohn.
The audit would be submitted by email and a training video could be watched from 25th January.
- Bank reconciliation
This was circulated to the Parish Councillors.
Balance brought forward as at 29th December 2017 £11,125.08
Unpresented cheque 100628 Phoebus Solutions PAYE £50.00
- Precept.
It was agreed to keep the Precept the same as the previous year at
£7750.00.The Clerk would scan and submit the completed form signed by
The Chairman.
2018-01/9 Planning
- The plans submitted by The Mill Cottage Swinburne at the last meeting had
been passed by the Parish Councillors with no objection but had since been
withdrawn by the applicant.
- Planning Application number 18/00101/FELTPO
Mr Matthew Hird Manor House Barrasford
Tree felling/surgery
No objections
- Lead Member for Planning February/March 2018-Cllr Buckingham
2018-01/10 Information items-None
2018-01/11 Any Other Business.
The Chairman reported he had spoken to William Grieve re: his garage’s appearance and his insurance for vehicles not on his own land. The Chairman reassured Mr Grieve of the P.C.’s support for the business and the area has been improved since then.
Cllr Buckingham would investigate the ownership of trees with overhanging branches on the footpath approaching the school. They needed cutting back.
Cllr Buckingham reminded the meeting of the importance of understanding GDPR-Data Protection.
The Clerk would seek guidance from Stephen Rickett at NALC.
Cllr Campbell suggested James Dickinson might be willing to take on the handyman role if a new one is needed. Cllr Dover would report back after talking to Stewart Matthews.
The Clerk had been advised by Stephen Rickett to only submit Draft minutes onto the website. They would then show as approved on the next meetings’ Draft minutes.
Cllr Dover and Cllr Heslop signed forms which needed to be submitted to Caris Robson Solicitors to continue the process of acquiring the Play Area at Chisillways.
2018-01/12 date and venue for Next Meeting.
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 28th March 2018 7.30p.m. in Barrasford Village Hall
Meeting closed at 9.40p.m.